(2)The Bending
Map ID: #3815

Author: larjarse
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2009, 08, 22 01:49

Comments (5)
This map contains some experimental concepts I've been playing around with: high dirt to sunken ground ramps, doodad sprites (some of which cover up mismatching tiles), checkard design (that looks pretty and stands out as a ramp in game) on ramps, and backdoor to mins (which is probably imbalanced, but it's an idea that can be worked from)

Min blocks on far left and right are 0. Min blocks at backdoor = 16, mine to widen.

also, mid towards the top, the island covered in jungle trees, this area is completely buildable

Perhaps I should close in the wide enterance with mineral blocks?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy checking it out.

Help me out with ideas to make this map balanced and playable
modified by larjarse
modified by larjarse
Hey man happy 2 see that u could get pic on ur own now :P

I like that u tried 2 go Wilde on map, buts just 2 crazy 4 my taste.

I think that in actual game play it will be 2 confusing.
type: experimental.

download and take a look. center has some badlands structure doodads
wayyyy toooooo tiiiiigghhttt, even for an experimental map