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(4)Slower Than Empires
Map ID: #383
Author: [7x]SpitFire
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 01, 07 01:16
Comments (5)
Looks very interesting. Mainbases could really need some more building space imo. Maybe move the bridges for the backdoor entrance some more to the corner of the map.
Also, be careful with mineral blocks, as they confuse units pathfinding. I don't think mineral blocking is really needed there.
i dont like that there is no area which connects all the bases. It becomes a proving grounds syndrome where 2on2 battles are really dull.
aka: terran paradise
so it is kosher to make maps with more than 1 entrance now?
I like this map, i would make the middle walkways wider where you have room to around the middle island. I really like how the middle is like that.
idk about that, you'd have to ask an orthodox rabbi ;)
Also, be careful with mineral blocks, as they confuse units pathfinding. I don't think mineral blocking is really needed there.
I like this map, i would make the middle walkways wider where you have room to around the middle island. I really like how the middle is like that.
This map is pretty hard to play =/