(2)Primal Rage
Map ID: #385

Author: Spitfire
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 10 12:01

Comments (6)
rethink the natural's gas placement. units might get stuck or confused when the expansion is in use.
i think its your best map spitfire
i like the way from north to south, though u didnt spent much time in decorating it :P
The concept itself looks basic and good. But the way from top to bottom is a bit ugly imo. I'd change the tileset more often, some jungle sparkles between the ruins, and add some more doodads, as Xuul said. That would help to increase the look a lot!
also make sure that the ramps are unsieagble from the middle expos. to fire on the ramp from that safe spot is not good imo, and it is also very easy to accomplish.
I've just fix the info about the map it was (4) not (2), nothing new here don't look...
nice map hands down... some details rough terrain in the middle luv it few ghey cliffs that could stop a small push but nothing obscene kinda stright to the point take your expo and hold attacks off or lose expo and game