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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3858
Author: der_eine
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 09, 17 03:57
Comments (8)
This is my very first map pretty much. It's a small two-player map and the idea is to support both quick rush strategies (no scouting necessary, short path to enemy base) yet at the same time make it possible for games to last longer (mostly achieved through a very safe natural).
Overall, this is a low-economy map as there is only one additional expansion (not counting the start location and the safe natural) per player, and then the center mineral only.
The way from your starting location to the safe natural is blocked by a single temple. It should prevent weird Terran strategies where they immediately fly their CC over yet at the same time it's not stacked and only 1500HP, so, if you want to, you can break it really early in the game. Should make for some interesting build orders.
Any feedback is appreciated. Keep in mind, however, that this is my first map ever.
Cheers. modified by der_eine
That backdoor natural expo is overly beneficial to terran. T can float a CC right over there and leave the neurtal, and stick a bunch of turrets to make it drop and harass proof. Maybe stick a 8min feild where the CC would go in that expansion.
Also, there is probably something better you can do with that long straight high dirt patch. It's pretty ugly and non-fucntional with the way it is now. Maybe something with high dirt and playful big ramps?
GMCS too
Why is there so much linearity? The map looks def ugly with all the straight lines, make it look a lot more natural than it is currently. Also, Terran just float into backdoor.
It seems pretty irrational to say that the map supports long games because the map only grants 3 gas per player, the middle expo being pretty useless. The middle looks pretty terran favoring imo, and overall terran biast map.
Also, wasted space. modified by JungleTerrain
And Larjarse, that gmc makes the map more terran favoring, unless he opens up the nat choke and deletes/modifies backdoor expo somehow.
Thanks for the constructive criticism so far. I'll address all your points one by one:
You're absolutely right, I somehow thought that, since you couldn't slide SCVs immediately, that temple would be enough to keep Ts from flying the CC over but I'll add one 0-min block there so that you really HAVE to destroy the temple if you want to do anything down there.
I'll also make the map look more natural, the middle part is really just thrown in there for the moment and I'm not happy with the long high dirt line either.
Yep, the map is very linear, I agree. I don't quite see how to change that and it is by design pretty much, any suggestion what I should change so it gets less linear?
Extra-long, late-game macrofests won't take place, that's right now that I think about it.
I've read up on "wasted space" in the mapguide over on but that I'm not really seeing that much in this map to be honest, maybe you could elaborate? The water parts are wasted, sure, but that's maybe 8-12% of the map? And they're not all wasted as they do serve the important purpose of blocking siege tanks from the natural. The long high dirt strips will be gone in the next version. Then there's just those high dirt patches in the middle left and middle right but those I don't consider wasted as they again keep siege tanks from just shelling away there.
About the GMCS: Of course, that spot you highlighted is the classical space for another natural, no doubt, I didn't place one there, however, because this is supposed to be the one thing that makes this map different, pretty much. Also, as JungleTerran says, that expo there would be T favorited as is. So, I dunno, do you guys think it's okay to leave the expo out there as a characteristic of the map or should I rather change it and make it one anyways?
Please keep the feedback coming, I'm working on a second version. modified by der_eine modified by der_eine
If you want less linearity, make a design of your own in each main and such, without using XY tool.
And make it curvy instead of linish.
Add a mineral block to the expansion or do something that you can easy access to the backdoor expansion.
Make the deco better without using XY tool unless you want to but make a lot of parts unbuildable so terran will have less power in the middle.
That insignificant 8-12% of the map can actually be used to add in another expo, balancing the map a little more at the same time changing the gameplay completely. Imagine if Othello had no 3rd gas outside the nat. lol?
Also, the use of space is pretty bad, the spot outside the natural is totally wasted if you are not going to add an expo, it can be used to give more room around the map.
"any suggestion what I should change so it gets less linear?"
- just make the edges of things NOT straight. Don't you see the highground and the water that runs top and bottom of the map, totally straight?
It is unappealing gameplaywise and in the picture. Its just a matter of decoration, but it will AT LEAST make the map look a little more sophisticated. One can say that deco takes time or practice, but just try to change the linearity and give it a more natural and comfortable feeling for the players.
Overall, this is a low-economy map as there is only one additional expansion (not counting the start location and the safe natural) per player, and then the center mineral only.
The way from your starting location to the safe natural is blocked by a single temple. It should prevent weird Terran strategies where they immediately fly their CC over yet at the same time it's not stacked and only 1500HP, so, if you want to, you can break it really early in the game. Should make for some interesting build orders.
Any feedback is appreciated. Keep in mind, however, that this is my first map ever.
modified by der_eine
Also, there is probably something better you can do with that long straight high dirt patch. It's pretty ugly and non-fucntional with the way it is now. Maybe something with high dirt and playful big ramps?
It seems pretty irrational to say that the map supports long games because the map only grants 3 gas per player, the middle expo being pretty useless. The middle looks pretty terran favoring imo, and overall terran biast map.
Also, wasted space.
modified by JungleTerrain
You're absolutely right, I somehow thought that, since you couldn't slide SCVs immediately, that temple would be enough to keep Ts from flying the CC over but I'll add one 0-min block there so that you really HAVE to destroy the temple if you want to do anything down there.
I'll also make the map look more natural, the middle part is really just thrown in there for the moment and I'm not happy with the long high dirt line either.
Yep, the map is very linear, I agree. I don't quite see how to change that and it is by design pretty much, any suggestion what I should change so it gets less linear?
Extra-long, late-game macrofests won't take place, that's right now that I think about it.
I've read up on "wasted space" in the mapguide over on but that I'm not really seeing that much in this map to be honest, maybe you could elaborate? The water parts are wasted, sure, but that's maybe 8-12% of the map? And they're not all wasted as they do serve the important purpose of blocking siege tanks from the natural. The long high dirt strips will be gone in the next version. Then there's just those high dirt patches in the middle left and middle right but those I don't consider wasted as they again keep siege tanks from just shelling away there.
About the GMCS: Of course, that spot you highlighted is the classical space for another natural, no doubt, I didn't place one there, however, because this is supposed to be the one thing that makes this map different, pretty much. Also, as JungleTerran says, that expo there would be T favorited as is. So, I dunno, do you guys think it's okay to leave the expo out there as a characteristic of the map or should I rather change it and make it one anyways?
Please keep the feedback coming, I'm working on a second version.
modified by der_eine
modified by der_eine
And make it curvy instead of linish.
Add a mineral block to the expansion or do something that you can easy access to the backdoor expansion.
Make the deco better without using XY tool unless you want to but make a lot of parts unbuildable so terran will have less power in the middle.
Also, the use of space is pretty bad, the spot outside the natural is totally wasted if you are not going to add an expo, it can be used to give more room around the map.
"any suggestion what I should change so it gets less linear?"
- just make the edges of things NOT straight. Don't you see the highground and the water that runs top and bottom of the map, totally straight?
It is unappealing gameplaywise and in the picture. Its just a matter of decoration, but it will AT LEAST make the map look a little more sophisticated. One can say that deco takes time or practice, but just try to change the linearity and give it a more natural and comfortable feeling for the players.