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(4)Fear of Darkness
Map ID: #3886
Author: numbness
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2009, 10, 17 22:11
Comments (5)
Just a new map because editing for numbness has stopped to the point where no new sugjestions have come in to do any mapping so i made this.
This map is a mix i would say between gaia, gods garden, and nastymarine's Corrosive. deco not done, just made the table going to add legs later. tell me what you think.
but the mains have 2 nat's with gas?
isnt that too much having 2 nat's at all?
Bottom-left and top-right got 1 more mineral then the other safe expos ;)
is this really 128x128? looks smaller. Also, there's a lot of wasted space that could be used, where the space tiles are.
Check your minerals, as kinosjourney said, they are unequal relative to others.
One thing to worry about here is that games will be very macro oriented and maybe turtlish because of the excessive amount of minerals and gas.
Imo, the map will be played very boringly and standardly. You just have to secure those 2 naturals and you don't have to expand for a very long time.
This map is a mix i would say between gaia, gods garden, and nastymarine's Corrosive. deco not done, just made the table going to add legs later. tell me what you think.
isnt that too much having 2 nat's at all?
Check your minerals, as kinosjourney said, they are unequal relative to others.
One thing to worry about here is that games will be very macro oriented and maybe turtlish because of the excessive amount of minerals and gas.
Imo, the map will be played very boringly and standardly. You just have to secure those 2 naturals and you don't have to expand for a very long time.