Map ID: #3909

Author: sTY_leZerG-eX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2012, 12, 28 05:26

Comments (17)
OMG boring, 2 standard, like every other map here in the site (4) rotational symmetry, LT and Python clone!
(6)DMZ clone

it's ok, mains are too big, and I'd remove the neutrals, and then something done with the space you get from shrinking the mains (a 4th base with a nice cliff or something) and map'd be nice.

mineral formations suck though, work on those
lol (6)DMZ clone, and I thought that u guys loved big mains.

Since when did people like big mains? They're a good 25%+ bigger than they need to be.

More innovative middle would be nice. It is VERY Python in that respect.
It's on the simply side for sure, but it's ok to me. Can maybe try a more strategic middle focusing on spell-use though, if you're so inclined.
What did u have in mined ?
just aweful

if u wanna become a great mapmaker u must learn the game but also come up with a great concept before u start putting out expoes here and there, that was my flaw in mapmaking. i didnt think of a concept before i started making my 128 128 clone maps

Would u mined explaining exactly what is so awful with my map?

And as far as I'm concerned I always think of a concept before +ing anything 2 my map, I never just build the mains or something and see what happens from there (Or at least in my newest maps, my older maps/noob days dont really count :)
use latin alphabet, please.
lol nmjoo - "too big mains", not everyone plays zerg!

personally i like maps that have also some vulnerable expos. concept and execution are good though
Do u guys really think that the neutral block can be a pain ? Or that it will affect a race + than an other ?

Bit + feed back..

i don't like this one ..
who does ? ^^ jk the map is gr8 shut up :)
lol thnx LastCurse, what dont u like about it x-species?
he dosen't like anything that isn't made by himself ^^
modified by LasTCursE
The third is too far away.
The naturals are all badly done but the rest is incredible. I love your deco.