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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3915
Author: LasTCursE
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2009, 11, 12 10:47
Comments (14)
This map looks really good, things i dont like abuot it is that from bottom right to top right through temple its all snow. dont like that part. also the expantion in the middle doesent work, not large enough middle to have expo in it.
I like this map alot. It has an interesting base layout. The middle is quite plain but it works.
Its a very nice concept, but not pretty at all :( Id add some bridges.
yeah definitely not pretty map, but good concept, although there will be path issue.
sTY_leZerG-eX - I thought about putting bridges too but where?
JungleTerrain - Yeah i know it's ugly my Ice Terrain skills kinda suck xD about the pathing issue i've tryed it one time and didn't notice any pathing issues :)
I have a couple of ideas:
1) Put a bridge from the main 2 the min only.
2) Put a bridge in choke, under the temple.
3) Or both !!
Map might have some slight terran advantage, so I think u need to make middle un buildable, instead of that grass middle, I suggest u do something like a (3)Medusa middle, or a closer example my very own (4)Artificial. Of course u can get original and get ur own shape going. Middle expo will have 2 go tho, but its a reasonable trade IMO u don't need it any way, map has plenty of fun factors already!
1)Middle is Unbuildable
2)Kinda maked the min onlyes more symetrical
About the bridges i'm not sure :( i love Ice bridges but i don't think there is place for such in this map.. :( may be in the future.. :)
Give support in comments how to improve the map :) modified by LasTCursE
Get rid of the mid expo, its so low yield and unsafe that its impractical to take as an expansion.
And judging from the pic, there will be path issue, but I could be wrong, so I will check it myself.
But if the opponent walls him self in by destroying the ASsimilators.. or you destroying them to trap him in you can get double gas (2500x2) for free
so you're saying it's a turtle map?
either way, i played the map and found path issue when moving counterclockwise from the mains, although there is small path issue clockwise movement, too.
e.g.( red to blue, blue to purple, purple to green, green to red )[counterclockwise]
so what do you suggest ? remove the min onlyes ?
No WAY!! path issue will have 2 be worth it. ( If u just added some bridges)
Also I think mains might be 2 harassable, give them + turret/cannon space.
they have space for turrets in the back and besides the water dosen't block the vision for the turrets like the high ground.. but if you think i'll move them couple nex inside
JungleTerrain - Yeah i know it's ugly my Ice Terrain skills kinda suck xD about the pathing issue i've tryed it one time and didn't notice any pathing issues :)
1) Put a bridge from the main 2 the min only.
2) Put a bridge in choke, under the temple.
3) Or both !!
Map might have some slight terran advantage, so I think u need to make middle un buildable, instead of that grass middle, I suggest u do something like a (3)Medusa middle, or a closer example my very own (4)Artificial. Of course u can get original and get ur own shape going. Middle expo will have 2 go tho, but its a reasonable trade IMO u don't need it any way, map has plenty of fun factors already!
1)Middle is Unbuildable
2)Kinda maked the min onlyes more symetrical
About the bridges i'm not sure :( i love Ice bridges but i don't think there is place for such in this map.. :( may be in the future.. :)
Give support in comments how to improve the map :)
modified by LasTCursE
And judging from the pic, there will be path issue, but I could be wrong, so I will check it myself.
either way, i played the map and found path issue when moving counterclockwise from the mains, although there is small path issue clockwise movement, too.
Also I think mains might be 2 harassable, give them + turret/cannon space.