Map ID: #3938

Author: Dem0nS1ayer
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 12, 07 02:04

Comments (7)
Pretty basic map. The mineral blocks are two groups of minerals (stacked five times each) with values of 0. Is this a good idea? Also, should I add another expo somewhere?
I like this map. Very subtle design. I think it there should be more expansions in my opinion.

I like the natural design but I'm not sure its balanced.
Map feels like a combination of a nastymarine map and a crackling map, not a bad combination.

Nats could be a little less weird. Map's pretty tight because of how much space you use on 12/6.
What do you mean by "weird"? Are the minerals placed in a bad spot? For the tightness, I'll just take away some of the high dirt that's near the middle of the ramp.
Pretty nice. But I don't like how the gas at blue's nat restricts movement while red's is out of the way.

Gas issue isn't as important in nats as mains. You could get away with moving blue's nat gas above the mins.
Also notice how blues gas is much more exposed and a lot harder to keep safe.

Oh and the map definately lacks expansions / gas.

Other than that it looks great.
modified by spinesheath
Alright, I made the 6 and 12 expos shorter, and put blue's geyser above the minerals. I have no clue where to put another expo. Do you guys have any ideas?

EDIT: I just realized that the blocked ramp leading to blue's expo disappeared. It's been re-added into the map.
modified by Dem0nS1ayer