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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3949
Author: coV (sTY_lezerg-eX helped)
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 01, 08 03:20
Comments (42)
My new map, guess this is replacing Brookyln, but yeah tell me what you think...
havent decided the final thought for the middle, this is just temporary, mostlikely ill change it up...and give me some ideas for the mide please...
of course deco and doodads arent here and tell me how it is (concept, gameplay etc.) Constructive critism would be pleased.
i would think that the nat could be placed better. the entrance seems kinda awkward.
are the main mins tankable?
ill fix the main's min, just showing how it will be placed
how can i make the nat's better? Bigger?
wat else should i do for the entrance.
not really a bigger nat or entrance but im imagining in gameplay the units are gonna get quite crammed since the entrance is at the edge of the map.
i would suggest you slide the main to the side and the expansion up. then u have moore room to work with ur nat
that's hamlet's middle!!
lol yeah my Hamlet :)
U can keep middle if u want im jk. modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
lol ^^ like i said mid is only temporary but i do want something to do with bridges in middle
sWaGu: you mean move it to the mains to the left, im presuming?
-changed mineral formations for 3rd nat
-pushed main's minerals more up
-I changed the naturals choke to bridges and changed the minonly entrance to high ground-low ground.
-added third gas in the sides
-still thinking of the middle...suggestion please :)
picture updates when you click on it
modified by coV
I opened the map and I liked it, if u want I can do little fixes here and there and get a nice middle 4 u, its just that I found several little problems.
if i knew how to put pics up i could show u but yea. move the mains to the side opposite the nats and the nats would be more comfortable in gameplay. its something i think but like in python, the ramps that are right at the edge of a map dont feel comfortable.
yeah lezerg u can edit if u want
sWaGu:ill see what i can do after lezerg's edit.
Swagu, to get a picture in ur comment type:
< img src= "link.html" > with no spaces, except for between 'img' and 'src'. If it's a large picture, include width='650' after the link but before the >.
Ur welcome :)
thank you didnt know that too.
modified by coV
Ok here is the old maps pic:
Ok coV here is what I did:
Il upload the map if you want when you give me the "OK go"
As you can see many small things Iv edited, the deco in the middle is not serious tho I just did that so you get an idea.
So yeah tell me what u think.
pretty nice...i like it but i do think the bridges can back a bit and the 3rd gas can be smaller..but yeah go upload it
gracias :)
Il upload it as soon as u give me the password lol
Rofl never mined, I guessed it P.S. was 123 lol.
thanks lezerg...kind of fixed some things
-pushed the bridges back
-made 2nd nat smaller
-changed bridges
-added stacked minerals (10) to the small bridge.
1 more favor to ask lezerg can you do the middle...make it your own and stuff? :)
once its done ill start with deco and doodads. modified by coV
lol whats the point of that small bridge?
And whats the point of a min block on it?(I think It might cause pathing issues )
I suggest to either combine them and make a large bride, or to separate it into 2 medium sized ones [ I personally prefer option 2 ( No min blocks tho)]
If you really want a min block, I have a better idea of where to put it, i think.
id say two smaller ones:) i like it sty lezerg
actualy i put the same thing in one of my old maps and in the same place of the map a 45 degre bridge and a small one :d
Really what map? I'm curious and what was its use/purpose ?
okay i edited the bridges...better?
or do you want me to put that hamlet bridge?
Na its looking good.
i think it didn't have any purpose ,but still ^^ modified by LasTCursE
Yeah that looks like an even better idea :)
eh ill try to get it off
i dotn gte how to put pics up. i open it on internet explorer and copy the site and put in the format lezerg told me but nothing shows modified by sWaGu
i do it like this....
i think you have to put it in image shack...go to the website and google it.
upload the picture and take the first url copy it then get that code lezerg gsve and replace "link.html" with the url but dont remove the "" and yeah you can test it right here when you get the chance.
Upload the picture with the StartUpload button
Click on the small image to make it bigger
Copy the marked
(Embed this image>>HTML) modified by LasTCursE
lol that IMG is from my map (4)Abstract :)
you mean "(4)Artificial" xD modified by LasTCursE
okay the deco and doodads are finally done took me a while but worth it
tell me what you think now :)
Wow i love that middle thingy ;o
easy third gas for terran
thanks lastcurse :)
what should i do about the 3rd then?
Make the 3rd gas ramp that points towards the middle bigger and the problem is solved.. ;0 i think
hmm that or i can change minonly to the third gas and the third gas to minonly seeing that it is more open and harassable.
-switched minonly to 3rd gas and 3rd gas to minonly
-added some doodads.
added some doodads.
Hey coX gj on the map :)
You know what I would do? Id add an expo in the center, something inspired on Andromeda. But thats just me.
sure, ill try to do that but if it doesnt work and takes up too much space i might remove it.
ill probably set it up like heartbreak ridge modified by coV
havent decided the final thought for the middle, this is just temporary, mostlikely ill change it up...and give me some ideas for the mide please...
of course deco and doodads arent here and tell me how it is (concept, gameplay etc.) Constructive critism would be pleased.
are the main mins tankable?
how can i make the nat's better? Bigger?
wat else should i do for the entrance.
i would suggest you slide the main to the side and the expansion up. then u have moore room to work with ur nat
U can keep middle if u want im jk.
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
sWaGu: you mean move it to the mains to the left, im presuming?
-changed mineral formations for 3rd nat
-pushed main's minerals more up
-I changed the naturals choke to bridges and changed the minonly entrance to high ground-low ground.
-added third gas in the sides
-still thinking of the middle...suggestion please :)
picture updates when you click on it
modified by coV
sWaGu:ill see what i can do after lezerg's edit.
< img src= "link.html" > with no spaces, except for between 'img' and 'src'. If it's a large picture, include width='650' after the link but before the >.
Ur welcome :)
modified by coV
Ok coV here is what I did:
Il upload the map if you want when you give me the "OK go"
As you can see many small things Iv edited, the deco in the middle is not serious tho I just did that so you get an idea.
So yeah tell me what u think.
gracias :)
-pushed the bridges back
-made 2nd nat smaller
-changed bridges
-added stacked minerals (10) to the small bridge.
1 more favor to ask lezerg can you do the middle...make it your own and stuff? :)
once its done ill start with deco and doodads.
modified by coV
And whats the point of a min block on it?(I think It might cause pathing issues )
I suggest to either combine them and make a large bride, or to separate it into 2 medium sized ones [ I personally prefer option 2 ( No min blocks tho)]
If you really want a min block, I have a better idea of where to put it, i think.
or do you want me to put that hamlet bridge?
modified by LasTCursE
modified by sWaGu
i think you have to put it in image shack...go to the website and google it.
upload the picture and take the first url copy it then get that code lezerg gsve and replace "link.html" with the url but dont remove the "" and yeah you can test it right here when you get the chance.
Click on the small image to make it bigger
Copy the marked
(Embed this image>>HTML)
modified by LasTCursE
modified by LasTCursE
tell me what you think now :)
what should i do about the 3rd then?
-switched minonly to 3rd gas and 3rd gas to minonly
-added some doodads.
You know what I would do? Id add an expo in the center, something inspired on Andromeda. But thats just me.
sure, ill try to do that but if it doesnt work and takes up too much space i might remove it.
ill probably set it up like heartbreak ridge
modified by coV