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(4)WindMill 1.0
Map ID: #3969
Author: LasTCursE
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2010, 01, 07 20:51
Comments (22)
My brand new map i think it turned out kinda interesting :)
Eggs cost pathing so.. i have a few options
A) Removing the entire ramps and eggs (basicly making it a safe expansion) this option has 2 more to it
A1) Leaving the small ramp to the main as it is
A2) Making the ramp towards the main wider
B) Removing the eggs making it opened..
C) Making the ramp towards the middle smaller
Pls vote :)
modified by LasTCursE
7.5 from me!
though i voted a 7,take it as a 7.5
:) modified by gnom
i didn't mean votes from 1 to 10.. i mean on what should i do to make it more balanced A) B) or C)
Removed the eggs maked the ramp smaller (Not permenent edit) modified by LasTCursE
wow great map man. stunning.
thx nasty :)
It may not be as balanced as some, but DAMN I like it!
Thx excalibur ^^ :)
lol I like it. I'll try to comment on balance/gameplay another time, but I think it's atleast neat/creative/odd.
so wat happened with the eggs? cant sse them. the middle expos probably wont be used until the expansions around the main are mined out. get in the way of movementi think. i didnt open it so...
looks pretty cool...reminds me of Colosseum but middle looks hard to flank.
Download the melee version i haven't updated it the eggs are still in there ;)
Looks awesome
Is it possible to pass MnM through the highground and then into the main without taking much damage from sunks? It looks as if you'd need to move the highground expo a little forward to allow sunks to block the ramp, but just a thought
it just seems really imba for pvt, i mean the terran only needs a small amount of the middle to have protoss into a contain that is super hard to break out of because they cant surround.
trooper i've had several games tvp on this map and believe me the early and mid game before the T gets thoose units for the contain is alot more difficult to hold than you think ;d
Jungle you want me to make the expo a way that the sunkens zerg builds defend both the entrance and the ramp ? modified by LasTCursE
Now this is a nice map!
I downloaded the melee version and its very good, you should put that maps picture up. The only thing I don't like is the positioning of the south min only, its to unsymmetrical make it more like the other one. Also I wouldn't make the high ground expo closer to ramp, think its funner that way.
If Lastcurse thinks 12 marines stimming into his main and raping his drones is fun, then yeah he should keep the expoes as it is, but i doubt it.
Just simply move the highground a little closer or maybe even put a neutral sunk closer to the highground ramps to allow zerg to place sunks/spores closer to the entrance.
The only thing that worries me is that since there are 2 openings into zerg base, it might be a little difficult to fend off early pressure, say, from a 2rax or 2gate. Of course, this is assuming that the zerg does take the highground and they don't build sunks where the 2 openings into the main meet.
or maybe just switch the positioning of ramps, chokes into main, etc. modified by JungleTerrain
Wow very sexy looking map u made there LastCurse :)
I just checked the map in map editor and the naturals at 1 and 7 are very susceptible to the scenario i suggested before. The zerg cannot build sunkens close enough to the ramp, unless they place an early hatch, or a creep colony first to expand the creep in a direction closer to the ramp.
In the other naturals, the first hatchery's creep would actually be enough to cover the ramp leading into the main, as long as the creep has fully expanded/gushed/spilled.
You can't wallin vs a zerg on this map, its going to be very hard for pvz, I would try to fix that with the chokes/ramp.
so you want me to make the creep long enough so when zerg makes 1 sunken colony he can defend both the main ramp and the choke ? and that will fix the problem? k i'll do it :):)
actualy i'll need some help here cuz i can move the sunken with a few nex to the main and that way Zerg sunkens will shoot the ramp but Terran can't make a wall in then ? ;/ don't know guys pls help.. tell me what to do..
I think Terran wall in is + important, but thats just me.
Eggs cost pathing so.. i have a few options
A) Removing the entire ramps and eggs (basicly making it a safe expansion) this option has 2 more to it
A1) Leaving the small ramp to the main as it is
A2) Making the ramp towards the main wider
B) Removing the eggs making it opened..
C) Making the ramp towards the middle smaller
Pls vote :)
modified by LasTCursE
though i voted a 7,take it as a 7.5
modified by gnom
Removed the eggs maked the ramp smaller (Not permenent edit)
modified by LasTCursE
Is it possible to pass MnM through the highground and then into the main without taking much damage from sunks? It looks as if you'd need to move the highground expo a little forward to allow sunks to block the ramp, but just a thought
Jungle you want me to make the expo a way that the sunkens zerg builds defend both the entrance and the ramp ?
modified by LasTCursE
I downloaded the melee version and its very good, you should put that maps picture up. The only thing I don't like is the positioning of the south min only, its to unsymmetrical make it more like the other one. Also I wouldn't make the high ground expo closer to ramp, think its funner that way.
Just simply move the highground a little closer or maybe even put a neutral sunk closer to the highground ramps to allow zerg to place sunks/spores closer to the entrance.
The only thing that worries me is that since there are 2 openings into zerg base, it might be a little difficult to fend off early pressure, say, from a 2rax or 2gate. Of course, this is assuming that the zerg does take the highground and they don't build sunks where the 2 openings into the main meet.
or maybe just switch the positioning of ramps, chokes into main, etc.
modified by JungleTerrain
In the other naturals, the first hatchery's creep would actually be enough to cover the ramp leading into the main, as long as the creep has fully expanded/gushed/spilled.
But Is there no 3rd option?