Map ID: #4029

Author: UE-SauronZerg
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 02, 17 10:04

Comments (11)
The picture won't show.
Edit: After some difficulties I finally got the map uploaded with a picture. First map uploaded on this site :D

I've tested it somewhat with my clan but I'd like some more feedback on it :P
modified by SauronZerg
To edit the picture simply enter the mapID seen on the top-left corner (this maps mapID is 4029) then enter the password for the map (if you did set one) and upload the picture. Make sure the picture aren't bigger then 768x768.
modified by Kinosjourney
You could work on your mineral lines, other then that i can't think of any improvements except adding a 3rd expo near the nat, right now it's impossible to play with the current third being so far away.
Edits have been made. What do you guys think now?
modified by SauronZerg
You can make the southern part of the top main smaller (and vice versa with the bottom one and move the 3rd base a little more up and its good.
positional imbalance on expoes, make them symmetrical.
Made mains smaller, restacked nats to make them more even (or at least as even as I could get them)
why are the gases on all expoes in same direction? make them symmetrical to balance positions.
lol not all expos have to be gas issue proof, only the mains man.
ok I'll fix that. Sorry I thought the gas issue thing meant they all had to be that way lol.
modified by SauronZerg