Map ID: #4030

Author: sWaGu
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 02, 25 01:10

Comments (9)
i know that theres quite alot of empty space but i didnt know what to do with it as everything i planned wont let it fit in. same goes for the middle

I borrowed the path blocking idea from someone (cant remeber who, if i need to give credit i certainly will). So if u want to mine in the expo right behind ur starting point ur putting ur main mins in danger.
The expo mins can be defended however fairly well.

Ur mains are obviously not big enough to support 2 bases mining but enough to fit maybe 2 facs, gateways etc. with its tech.after that ull have to build outside where theres a min only expo.

the middle will be made unbuildable later.

this maps point is mainly harrassability. all the expansions can be easily stormed or watever easily if the other person isnt paying attention.

lots comments gogogo
modified by sWaGu
Nice I actually like this, its pretty cool I like the mains idea and the expo lay out.

Can units reach the cliff behind by land?

And Ik it would take a lot of work but if you rotate map a bit and fined some good placements I think you could fit some relatively small islands, witch IMO would be kinda cool.
Teal's natural minerals can possibly be tanked from outside the natural, which you can't do to the other naturals.

Too much wasted space, not enough space in mains(too small), middle looks kinda big, and the natural chokes are different sizes.
i think i will put the islands in, it fits the theme. middle i couldnt think of much but id like it to stay this way with a few cliffs to make flanking a bit more difficult.

what natural chokes? the ramps?

the back cliff can not be reached by land or that would be terrifying as the distances to actually reach it yourself by land would be very long

and i explained the concept in my first comment. is sorta like Forte
modified by sWaGu
i rotated the map and tried to plan it 4 times but when i actually tried to do it, there is always no space somewhere... But i did fit islands in. its sorta a tanks spot for the expo min only
That looks much better.
I have an idea, why dont u connect the minoly with the island by a ground passage blocked by neutrals?
Just an idea
The min only bases are now min walls with a gas on the island side. each min block on the wall is 2 stacked 750 so its like two min lines in one.
How do you make 3 player maps? It still compuzzles me.

It looks like you can't get to teal's backdoor expo by land.
3p maps are harder to make but ull get it as you make it.

and it is reachable by land. any other suggestions before i add deco?