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(2)Terran Imbalanced
Map ID: #4067
Author: mkseRapH
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2010, 04, 01 10:51
Comments (7)
Every map is terran imbalanced. deal with it.
lol try not 2 post 5 min maps ...
It's actually a joke from TL, where people comment that maps are T imbalanced on every single map. I actually have a better one.
This isn't THAT Z imba in TvZ.... Terran can 14CC float to middle and pump MM/turrets with all those minerals you will be harvesting. You can cut SCVs after 22 to pump more rines since the enemy must get air (either speeded ovies or much more likely, mutas) to attack you. No cliffs = BAD for mutas. (You can pull mining at the main base if needed).
Keep in mind the lack of a gas in main hurts Z too (ub3r late lair)
There is only one way to make a true t >>> x map:
Mains on small islands, no resources. Plenty of minerals/gas on a nearby large island.
zerg can still overlord rush
Yeah, zerg can tech quick overlord drop+speed and drop his drones+lings on the terran base. LOL
Keep in mind the lack of a gas in main hurts Z too (ub3r late lair)
Mains on small islands, no resources. Plenty of minerals/gas on a nearby large island.