(8)Blood Shower
Map ID: #4110

Author: zobz
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2010, 06, 23 06:57

Comments (11)
I came across an almost duplicate of this map in one of those random newbish "map test" b.net pubs. I've included the name of the guy i got that map from in the actual map info viewable with the editor. It was just super fun and quite simple and intriguingly functional as island maps go, so i took it upon myself to spiff it up a little, and give it a new name which uniquely sucks balls.

You quickly run out of room for your supply/tech/production facilities on your main island and have to "expand" solely for that purpose. The mineral lines are extremely harassable so that this is as low-econ and hyper-agressive as island maps can get, with some potential for long games thrown in for kicks.

I've tried to benefit zerg in some unusual ways too but i'm not sure how well that actually works in practice.

gas issue.
Yeah, i'm sure there are mineral issues too. I didn't even test it. The map is just very silly and fun. And i was more concerned with building space and harassability being eqaul than mining speeds. I don't think it's that game ruining... having some bases make an extra 25~ resources per minute. Take it more as a concept demonstration if you will.
Im going to be honest....i love these small island maps. I play terran and i can't express how fun it is to play on these types of maps. It encourages going air instead of drops which i think is alot of fun and takes more micro.

I've been thinking about doing a similar map but more better looking, this one is ugly and the mains aren't mirrored good enough.
i was kidding, obviously.
I have an unusual aesthetic sense with some appretiation for bleakness. This map sort of fiddles with the utilitarian aspects of map-making, hence it looks only psuedo-natural but makes no attempt to completely cover up the sqaureness of it; plus i had no room, with 9 islands in 64x64 space.

The building space available in each main is very very close. I did test that, particularly for terran buildings, and hatcheries. All bases have a surplus of vulnerable mins/geysers in general so air harassability really should be close to equal. The exact placement of the resources is also supposed to be reasonably fair but somewhat dynamic. The whole idea of having 4 side bases and 4 corner bases is obviously inherently imba, but silly and fun. Perhaps i should make some bases less vulnerable to tanks.

I think the racial balance of the map is interesting. It benefits protoss because it's an island map... and they need significantly less building space than terran. Zerg requires Very little building space, the gas:mineral ratio i think benefits them against all, and they have the strongest air-to-ground units which should make the vulnerable resources work somewhat in their favour. Terran benefits slightly from floating buildings as usual, gas:min ratio could be helpful against toss, and well all the mains are siegable from the other mains.
where are my admin rights? i really need to ip ban zobz because of this map.
totally expecting an 8 player bloodbath. Very unimpressed