(4)Freezing Sunrise
Map ID: #417

Author: KingFiercer
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 10 23:09

Comments (10)
The paths leading out of the bases look kinda small. Terran could slow push their way out and around to your base. The cliffs making out the border of the bases can also be sieged, so make them so that you can't land units onto it. Also, there isn't much gas outside the bases and islands, so maybe do something about that.
again, much details, nice design.

The gas problem is none imo. That's the same on almost every map mushu (LT for example-_-)

But as mushu already said, don't make the whole wall cliffable (tanks, lurkers), having a bigger "real" cliff is ok though, but a hundred of small ones might get really annoying.
Thanks to MuShu and panschk! I'll cought that.
I really like this map.
I'm a huge fan of the "conflict thru cash" idea.
It seems you have utilized that concept a bit in this map.
King, all your maps are beautiful and I'm glad to have you on the site

I just don't like 4 player maps like these where matchups are imbalanced or balanced depending on where you and your opponent spawn. Don't go changing the map because of this though - it's just my opinion
Looks like it's based off of the Blizzard map (4)Sanctuary.
Sanctuary is not a blizzardmap
its a joydom map by CRooollllllL
pretty good
yeah I like this map, looks hard for p in pvt though, especially horiz pos, and the mains are pretty small
modified by Nightmarjoo