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(4)Tahoe Paths
Map ID: #422
Author: MuShu
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 10, 14 19:41
Comments (8)
Ok, your picture and your maps are messed up, because startpositions are missing.
Second, the min-only expansions don't lie there that good, because the units get stuck behind them a bit, so you should position them more inwards (bad) or you put water on the left and right side of the minerals. like that:
| ##### |
# = minerals
_|= water
that prevents that units walk behind the minerals by themselves when they try to reach the enemy.
Looks like a solid map though. How do you wallin?
Weird, in the actual map, the start locations are fine. I'll try to figure out what's wrong. I'll work on the mineral onlys too. You can also wallin with a supply and rax, but I still need to test it to see if units can get through.
Sunk the mineral only expansions and also fixed chokes so that you can wall with a supply and rax.
the map definitively looks better now. i still miss more tactical possibilities, i.e. cliffs, but it is still a good map, looks quite balanced. I like it :)
am i the only one who sees a huge problem here?
and if you still dont see it.. it's a crap version of azalea.
Second, the min-only expansions don't lie there that good, because the units get stuck behind them a bit, so you should position them more inwards (bad) or you put water on the left and right side of the minerals. like that:
| ##### |
# = minerals
_|= water
that prevents that units walk behind the minerals by themselves when they try to reach the enemy.