Map ID: #430

Author: trcc
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2005, 09, 20 01:53

Comments (16)
Ok, this is my first ash world map ive done for a while..

First nat has no gas, quite exposed. You can get a gas expandsion behind first nat a small narrow passage is blocked by mineral. I might put the mineral face the other side. Another gas expand for each player is avaiable in the middle, surrounded by the cliff.
Ok, i scrapped the mineral wall, also fix the top right cliff, and some minor things.. Anyway nobody saw the other version :P
Doesn't look too shabby
hehe, i read your first comment and looked up the picture and searched for the mineral walls and thought "am i dumb or aren't there any?!" ^^

to the map itself. It looks good, but through the narrow pathes and cliffs near the expansions i'd say it is very like a T map.

Also it might be possible to reach the red HQ with a tank from the lower cliff or normal ground. But i haven't tested it yet. Just check that. At least you can easily shoot into red`s base with tankrange, so that also might be anoying.

Except that, a good T-ish map.
Ok, i've done some changes, like reducing the cliff to 1 entrance, which is not that far from mineral only.. Cliffs are made of no buildable terrain only, that mean terran can't put turrets to secure drop arrivals or even to help when pushing through gas expo.. I don't know if it's getting better tell me :P
i think the cliffs looked better before, i dont think you could place that many turrets back then either
hmm and purps nat is maybe siegeable from the otherside of lava river
Yes, there were a lot of space.. It's ok when the textures are paralell


But as soon i had to put some vertical textures it was creating space between em, one thing i could do is put doodads, but that could obstruck the way.. I don't really care about how it look.. It look pretty fine to me :P

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as arsenic pointed out this map is way too terran advantageous regardless what you do to it. plus there is already a map called eruption.
(8)Eruption.scm in maps/Broodwar/Webmaps

I prefer yours (^^), but you should still find a new name imo.

To me the maps looks too complicated, at some places there will be mean tank-stuff possible, and ashworld sucks anyway :( Also the building space looks like a problem to me. So I don't really like it atm.
If i make maps in jungle, people say it remind them another of my creation So i went ashworld :P

This isn't complicated but i may change the mineral xsetups and their placement aswell..

I don't really think there's a building space problem at all, do you mean the center or the main bases? Cuz the mains have enough place to build take a look at the map in staredit
I don't see a real problem with building space.

The only thing that is really annoying are the cliffs. You can easily cliff 2 nats at once with a handfull tanks. A T can cliff EVERY expansion on this map without any probs. That`s the main problem. just look at 3-oclock.

T on that cliff, and every expansion is gone :/ You only can change this by changing the map massively i think. Maybe you get it going otherwise. :)
map have bug ,see rep
tossgirl vs soiii
replay file is corrupted. I don't know if it is because of the strange name or whatever, but it does not work.
woah, right before i read your first post panschk, i was saying to myself that i would get lost in this map.
Im like that though, i think its cool but i get confused easily maybe its just me.