(2)Bridge Too Many 0.00
Map ID: #4340

Author: CrystalDrag And Rescuable
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2011, 05, 26 01:15

Comments (25)
This type of terraining and decoration reminds of Testbug's style but i doubt it's his map cuz of the weird star locations and random minerals lolz

Crystal or Arc ? x-sp3c1es even ? :
modified by LasTCursE
Theres not enough neutral buildings for it to be mine. And not enough deco....:\\

Lol... "star locations"? :P
modified by CrystalDrag
Mains look a lil bit small.
It's not mine xd. I already uploaded too many maps.
I'm not going to upload anything for a while. Instead i'm going to try to finish everything u.u
I believe is sTY_leZerG-eX wirh "different deco, different shapes, different mineral formations.. different pic!"
modified by ArcTimes
i highly DOUBT that this is lezerg's map.. :
Dl is broken!... For me. :(
I actually like this map (A good amount) Its great, what the hell with those random minerals tho..?? I would remove that, if you want to make map a bit different than standard, I recommend you try something else.
Mains are WAY 2 small, and nat doesn't look harassable enough, 3rd gas looks 2 close I would make it a min only and + a gas to the min only outside the main, near 2 the bridge.

I did not make map, author is:
x-species, because he loves jungle, map pic looks like hes, and he always had something for those high ground temple blends..
Could also be

With other words the same suggestion i made? lol :P i think it's x-species tho 80% sure lol
modified by LasTCursE
O.o You cant wall off!.
And its not me. Grr. :O Maybe Xspecies or phobic.
Lol , the author "Ha ha you will never figure me out." xd
Dunno who, but someone has been messing with me.

Anyway I made this map, with my sister. :)

I was simply denying previous accusations because they were vague..

and i made this cause there wasnt new jungle masps.
modified by CrystalDrag
lol why do you deny it being u if IT IS u? lol
No fun.. we did catch u..
Any way, Im really really digging the bridges, that what i like about map :)
i knew it !! those random minerals!! ^^
It's not me i don't have enought time to make maps i'm over with maps ;s good bye guys :* i love you :d
Bridge to many? Not. Mains too small? In deed.
I don't like those temple blends with unbuildable edges and stuff...
Using mineral patches to block tank spots = lack of tile editing skills.
modified by Freakling
This might help you to replace those useless mineral things

Rawr! LastCurse i already knew how to do that, i just think its ugly. :)

Anyway so i did that
made mains bigger, with high dirt blending with edge, works as well as ruins.

Made ramps at the 3rd :P
i liked the ruins better ^^ and why say it ugly the part at the 12 and 6 expos looks very nicely to me :
modified by LasTCursE
I only replaced ruins at mains and part of the third, so more building space , and T can wall at main now.

Mehhh i dunno why i dont like it LastCurse :P

Me guess its alrite.

Minor Update. Nothing new but some unbuildable.
Nice I like the map, I would add custom copy paste rocky ground terrain in the dirt that is left.. Just for the good looks (:
I like the mains high ground temple idea! How did you do that?
Added Rocky Ground. :P

Skyhigh, you use blends from bridges to make the temple high ground buildable
Is there any better tile for that? The flashing blue water in the corners is really annoying.
Umm no thats why most use doodad sprites to cover it up.