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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(3)Ürbän Wärfärë Täctï
Map ID: #4341
Author: Freakling
Map Size: other
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2011, 08, 06 02:42
Comments (34)
best map ever lol
Reds minerals way more exposed compared to others :P
Pythagoras fail?
I like the idea, but its madly done..
what's there to like anyways it's a badlands clone of rushhour lol
But every one likes RH...
Me no like RH. -_-
at least the nat choke is better than RH's
I don't like the map, whoever made the map should scrap the concept and remake it :P
I mean everybody likes RushHour but this map is with a stolen concept so you can't like this map cuz he basicly didn't do shit on his own except copycating it lol
I don't like this at all...
humm name is terrible.. custom terrain looks good in the pic but when i wanted to get a closer view the dl only has the old ugly'r version..
and this one is a new "pretty" version ? :d
With deco this looks nice as hell! Love the custom terrain it looks great.
Teals base sucks bad tho, its p;aced like shit, and its small as hell, and just plain weird bad.. ! While reds base is huge..
Like the map, humm author? I want 3 say freakling.. but not sure and ...dt it..
What makes you think it's mine? modified by Freakling
am i blind or the map is gone uglyer altho lezerg tends it to be prettyer lol modified by LasTCursE
Hum Nvm this is a CrystalDrag map 4 sure
Noo This is not mine. :) I would never use those ugly ramps.
Anyone want to explain why there are vultures + Civilians ?? -__- LezerG?
Because Rhynadons don't really fit into an urban enviroment?!
I say would say Crystal, but now I'm saying it's Freakling. He hasn't made any maps recently, and he's the only other person who uses unit sprites this much.
This not mine. :(
Id say freakling too because of using hydra eggs..
I would say Freakling as well cuz of this statement
Because Rhynadons don't really fit into an urban enviroment?!"
Other mappers here wouldn't care if it's an rhynadon kakuru or civilian ^^
Altho the name has bulgarian/russian letters in it so it's possible to be an X-species map or a russian mapper from the site : modified by LasTCursE
bulgarian/russian letters? *Lol* More like french and german or turkish I'd say... modified by Freakling
Now that i looked at it in the editor, looks more like freakling. The min only has very limited building space for static defence, which is in some of freaklings other maps
definetly freakling ^^
I called it! I knew it!! ")
Hum Nvm this is a CrystalDrag map 4 sure
sure you did ^^
lol Jea :P
i knew it's you! ^^
The civilians revealed you ;p modified by LasTCursE
It's not that I planned to copy RH when I designed this, it's just how it turned out...
And it's not inverted... modified by Freakling
by inverted i ment that it's fliped right side on the left and left side on the right.. and yeah that happends to me sometimes as well.. to make a map and it to end up looking alot like one of those korean crap maps from kespa lulz modified by LasTCursE
Teals base sucks bad tho, its p;aced like shit, and its small as hell, and just plain weird bad.. ! While reds base is huge..
Like the map, humm author? I want 3 say freakling.. but not sure and ...dt it..
modified by Freakling
modified by LasTCursE
Id say freakling too because of using hydra eggs..
Because Rhynadons don't really fit into an urban enviroment?!"
Other mappers here wouldn't care if it's an rhynadon kakuru or civilian ^^
Altho the name has bulgarian/russian letters in it so it's possible to be an X-species map or a russian mapper from the site :
modified by LasTCursE
modified by Freakling
Hum Nvm this is a CrystalDrag map 4 sure
sure you did ^^
The civilians revealed you ;p
modified by LasTCursE
- Relocated SLs
- fixed minor terrain bugs
- added obs-version
It's not that I planned to copy RH when I designed this, it's just how it turned out...
And it's not inverted...
modified by Freakling
modified by LasTCursE