(3)White Dragons Valley
Map ID: #4364

Author: LasTCursE
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2011, 07, 07 09:54

Comments (40)
Freakling or Lastcurse. :3
Crystal... OK, maybe Last. But he normally doesn't do 3p maps...

Should't this have a blocked backdoor from the main to the low ground expo? With the assimilator gates this becomes practically an island map and it's almost impossible to stop Z or P as Terran from locking you in (and there's even ample space to proxy gate, you can even proxy gate in your own nat.

And there\'s too much snow.
modified by Freakling
o_o This not mine. :P i never use mogules.
now its either lastcurse or lezerg ^^
What do you mean by "mogules"?!

If it was StyleZerg it would either have more deco or no deco at all.

Last does not make (3) maps and hasn't published any map for a long time.

Maybe Jungle?
Whatever that terrain is in the middle =__=
I think Lezerg is trying to trick us.
I say freakling :P

edit: Played it just to see the map in-game and theres 1) No Critters (3FFA Sad he likes his parasited/mind controlled critters :[) 2) A CC underground on top right(I like my infesteds :P) 3) Pretty sweet deco. Even a cave with an unbuildable trail leading to it. I like the middle expo to fight over having all unbuildable around it. Only enough room for 1 nexus placement makes it interesting. Newb-friendly placement there :P. Overall I like the map's deco.
modified by 3FFA
Nevermind this is a lezerg map for sure...
I say freakling for this one cuz he recently likes to make 3 player maps.. :
Nevermind this is a P4E map for sure...
modified by crystaldrag
Thats what I'm thinking too last. It is freakling. I would've probably said freak or crystal if he didn't straight out say it wasn't him.
ooooooOOOOOO00000000 Shit this IS HOT!!!
Freakling - Testbug?
no it's my map, i use this kind of color for my pics :)
No need to put a bright Lezerg picture =__=
needs more dirt.

You can build turrets/cannons outside the middle ring, but zerg cant cause there is no creep whatsoever.
Try Creep tumors LOL
:D That would be fun.
Cannon at the hatchery spot ^^

What? But the pic is what I love the most :)
SOOOOOO the same it's so fucking boring stop making maps it's stupiddd omgg ;xxxxxxxxxxxx
Not mine.
If it's really yours, Protoss, you can edit your name in now :D

Yes, I like to do 3p maps, but it seems like I made them popular now :D

Also: See GMCS
modified by Freakling
Id it's really yours, Protoss, you can edit your name in now :D

I liek Mudkipz. Im not CrystalDrag.
I like it. Perhaps put a ramp between the nat/behind path with a temple on it? That would make it harder to secure all 4 gas too easy
This map looks pretty awesome, but I don't think I would play this because it is just TOO BRIGHT.

I might as well light a flashlight on my face.

I agree with Freakling about the thing with getting contained and stuff. Yeah...

I don't know who made it, but I guess Protoss4Ever, because I thought he was dead.
modified by JungleTerrain
Contains own so much on this map. It is easy for someone to just kill your assimilators and then mass expand. ESPECCIALLY for zerg. I played a game where I went for a 5 pool but instead of hitting his main I hit the gasses(after slipping lings onto his side) and then he was trapped in his main and natural. A few minutes later he tried to send an attack force just to rage about the fact that he couldn't move through the gasses. I already had every expansion on the map. I visioned him and he GGed.

Conclusion: This map can very easily be turned into a semi-island imbalance map. However, the destroying of gases could possibly become a game changer entirely.

Ex: Both players rushing/cheesing to end up in a fight in the middle with each slipping a unit to snipe the other's assims.
modified by LasTCursE
It says last curse. -_-
Ok it's my map ^^
Only close guees was by crystal in the begining but after that he said almost every other map maker in the site xD
So you failed at author gueesing this time :

EDITS so far:
- Backdoor ramp added +Xel naga temple on top
- Troy Natural formations reformed to not be tankable
- Troy nats made with 6 minerals instead of 7
- Backdoor expo's minerals made to 7 instead of 6
- 9'o clock's expo moved upwards to even distances
- Added a panda bear guy to the middle expo
I think i fixed most of Freakling's GMCS

I too don't like as much that there isn't many paths but the concept dosen't allow to add a new one.. :
I mentioned your name - I only had doubts whether you would do 3p maps...
So: Welcome to the exclusive club of (3)-mappers ;)

Crystal said my name then you said that it's not me :P

and thank you ^^
modified by LasTCursE
The western highground expo is still much closer to the ramps than the corresponding expos on the other positions. Maybe you can tweak red\'s main a bit to attain more space, or you move the other expos a bit closer.

I think what this map needs is a mineral only with reduced values that is accessible from either the main or nat and open (i.e. you can pass after mining out the minerals) to the adjacent plateau (the other one... i.e. not the one that leads to your backdoor) or the middle. Requires quite some tweaking around, of course, but complements the assimilator gates nicely and opens up harassment and late game options.
modified by Freakling
can you "draw" it with paint so i get more of an idea what you mean?

i'll fix the western expo tomorow :
ooooOOOOO so its u!! a 3 from last ^^
Is teals main gas tankable from block backdoor?
blues backdoor expo looks bit futher than others
I don't think so and no i rather think it's the closest ^^
modified by LasTCursE

No they are not tankable.
Though the buildings do not appear ingame.

modified by gnom
which buildings don't apear ?
Who gave it a 0 ? lol
I did.

actually i didn't.

I didn't guess it was you, but it totally seems like a lastcurse map when you think about it.
I like the whole concept and the middle, but it seems too bright for me. Too much snow in the middle (which after early game will probably be used less)

I'll give it a 10 to fix that 0
modified by JungleTerrain
After the early game will be used even more when you open the back door and start the macro game :P

I thought that the ramps would give me away but nobody seemed to notice it xD
and thank you :) glad you like it
modified by LasTCursE
the ramps look good.

is that why you thought it would give you away?
But everyone uses your ice ramps. :) They good, except for buggy ice ice ramps, which have a bad tile in ramps.
well decoration and ramps are the most visible signs if a map is mine or not at least i think so ;d
modified by LasTCursE