(2)Giza Strip II
Map ID: #4380

Author: TOG
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2011, 07, 17 01:12

Comments (12)
Just thought i\'d upload a few of maps i\'ve been working on lately. ask questions if you want, i\'ll answer, suggestions are encourage too. P.S. not fished with it.
modified by ThatOneGuy
Your ramps are ugly. You can hit the main minerals from outside with vision.

No good overlord spot outside the natural.

Seems to me it might be hard to flank the other player when it is needed.
Welcome on the site.

Besides what Jungle pointed out yu should redesign the middle to get some more neutral expos to fight over. Right now your map is clearly split into two sides with every expos clearly belonging to one player.
Main/nat/backdoor reminds me of destination. :o
Yea, its like a destination with sms(split map syndrome).
Wellcome to Bwmn TOG =)

this isn't a bad map at all for a second one ^^

I don't like the shape and size of the mains tho may be push em a bit to the sides and towards the middle to get a more normal look :)

Remove the neutral building that's currently above/bellow the mains and push that expo closer to that little ridge thing to open space for the main reshaping
I did a little editing and it ended up with me switching the tileset for better ramps mostly. I tried to make it more open and make a more "normal" shape to the main base, as well as adding more expo's and switching the possision of them so that they didn't seem too split. The minerals on the ramp has a value of 64 and the min only has a mineral patch of 300.
Hm... I liked desert much better. There are lots of good ramps for desert.
Is the middle ridge necesary?
K_A is right. too much unnecessary stuff on this map. erase everything and just leave the mains :)
I added some GMCS check em out
modified by LasTCursE
thanks LC will do