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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #4445
Author: felix244
Map Size: 128*128
Last Updated: 2011, 11, 16 02:14
Comments (4)
it cool sorry for no picture but is fun
Aren't you one of the guys we were playing hide ans seek with?
About the map. You have to ask yourselve if you would play your own maps.
You can start reading the articles in the right.
You can use the symetrical tool to make easier and better maps.
Also you have to make everything with one porpuse and not just fillinf space with... trees?
The 4 sides are not balanced. They are really different. For example there are trees in top but not in bottom, and that center is... >.>
I suggest to you to read the articles and see other maps, proleague maps o maps here in the page. There are a lot of good maps. modified by ArcTimes
New mapper, welcome! Is ur name felix244 or felix2444 or both?
Because either ur mapper id is wrong or ur map author is wrong.
Fix up (:
Oh and get a pic 4 ur map modified by sTY_leZerg-eX
yeeeh, sty_lezerg is alive :D!!
Felix, if you need some help uploading the map's image, just ask modified by ArcTimes
Aren't you one of the guys we were playing hide ans seek with?
About the map. You have to ask yourselve if you would play your own maps.
You can start reading the articles in the right.
You can use the symetrical tool to make easier and better maps.
Also you have to make everything with one porpuse and not just fillinf space with... trees?
The 4 sides are not balanced. They are really different. For example there are trees in top but not in bottom, and that center is... >.>
I suggest to you to read the articles and see other maps, proleague maps o maps here in the page. There are a lot of good maps.
modified by ArcTimes
Because either ur mapper id is wrong or ur map author is wrong.
Fix up (:
Oh and get a pic 4 ur map
modified by sTY_leZerg-eX
Felix, if you need some help uploading the map's image, just ask
modified by ArcTimes