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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #445
Author: flothefreak & Starparty
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 11, 27 00:01
Comments (27)
One of my Space-Tileset maps. It may look impossible to defend the gas expos in the upper right and bottom left corner against drops, but you just have to change the way you do it. Dropping units on the 3 cliffs surrounding the expansion won't work, so a single (or 1-2 more) scouts (for example) can easily prevent dropping here when used correctly.
One may also see the various tankdrop-possibilities for a terran, but the map disfavors T in other aspects to equal this without problem.
Anyway, what do you think?
The mains are quite small although there really is no need to.
I dislike the fact that you don't have any tactical positions worth containing. This map looks like having some tactical, but no strategical potential, if you know what I mean -_-
Still, I'm not saying it's imbalanced, there's just something I dislike, can't really point it out.
now that one improvement!
very stylish. I think I gonna upload some more old n shitty maps ;D
i also edited the ramps to be closer with starforge
the "pimped" logo is a bit big on the image. Make it transparent or smaller, so I can see the bottom base :O
Very cool :) Maybe the mains could be a bit bigger?
holy shit this map looks fucking pimp ^_^
I love the center
--v mOsQ
GJ :))
tu :)
Isn't Bottom right's based much bigger than top left's base?
Gosh, actally i have no idea what it looked like before, but now it really looks good.
I wonder how these double ramps do ingame.
there is a pic in pimp my map competition thread now so u can see
holy shiz...
the before/after comparison made me laugh. Really nice map now, but maybe you would want the ramps down from the mains to be 1 solid? not 2 small?
other than that, it's incredible...perfect circle in mid, no gay highground/lowground exps top rightish and bottom leftish, good nat choke for z, (though they gotta defend 2 entrances, i dunno) very damn nice map.
cant do ramps better on catwalk
He is talking about removing the second ramp. Actually, why not?
flo can do that :p
in tvp you will never have to use the middle of the map, just take your 2 expansions and then chose a side to steamroll over your opponent
as t perhaps
lol no shit as t grief
LostTampon, yup =/
I don't really see anyone pushing across this map. Tornado terran is more likely
Idk... I just find it a bit too linear. I know the center does open it up, but where the expansions are... it's too straight and narrow for proper flanking and comfortable movement. A little of that in a map is refreshing, but thats where all the cash is... T favored indeed. But I think it's one of the sexiest maps ever =).
"one of the sexiest maps ever"
So true :)
Yo, I just played the map and.. a T just "slow dropped" his tanks in the lower ground behind my expo, n put supply in front of em (towards the expo) so that my goons wouldnt reach em.. idk but, maybe u could make the low ground a lil smaller?
I <3 the rest of map... its just that as soon as a T drop, or mass drop in there, you cant really get out anyhow, n he picks on any other expo u may have taken :O (which isnt cool)
where did your opponent build the supply depot? upload the rep plz. this is not an error in the map
lol, i dont have the rep saved :O but i was top left and the T built supplies at the 2 extremities of the nat`s min patchs and put a bunch of tanks down in the lower ground (and had wraiths along with it, so no dship could get thru really) He also walled the way to bottom with a rack and 2 supplies... i really couldnt get out :(
the rest of his tanks/vults all camping the entrance going to the right, and a couple others raided my expos O_o modified by FateD
how did you let him build TWO supply depots? i'll edit your comment because of it's contain ¬¬
One may also see the various tankdrop-possibilities for a terran, but the map disfavors T in other aspects to equal this without problem.
Anyway, what do you think?
I dislike the fact that you don't have any tactical positions worth containing. This map looks like having some tactical, but no strategical potential, if you know what I mean -_-
Still, I'm not saying it's imbalanced, there's just something I dislike, can't really point it out.
very stylish. I think I gonna upload some more old n shitty maps ;D
Very cool :) Maybe the mains could be a bit bigger?
I love the center
GJ :))
I wonder how these double ramps do ingame.
the before/after comparison made me laugh. Really nice map now, but maybe you would want the ramps down from the mains to be 1 solid? not 2 small?
other than that, it's incredible...perfect circle in mid, no gay highground/lowground exps top rightish and bottom leftish, good nat choke for z, (though they gotta defend 2 entrances, i dunno) very damn nice map.
in tvp you will never have to use the middle of the map, just take your 2 expansions and then chose a side to steamroll over your opponent
LostTampon, yup =/
So true :)
I <3 the rest of map... its just that as soon as a T drop, or mass drop in there, you cant really get out anyhow, n he picks on any other expo u may have taken :O (which isnt cool)
the rest of his tanks/vults all camping the entrance going to the right, and a couple others raided my expos O_o
modified by FateD
the maps didn't show any problem