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Map ID: #4497
Author: Cardinalallin
Map Size: other
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2012, 05, 27 11:46
Comments (5)
26th May 2012
Version 1.1 Axiom
A 4vs4 player map where allies spawn together under Use Map Settings.
1. Defeat screen only when you and your allies have all died.
2. Map is greyed out at the start of the game rather than blacked out, so the layout of bases and terrain is visible.
The map was originally 160x144 but this crashed. So I copy pasted the whole thing onto a 192x192 and redid the minerals etc. Then I glued on edges to make the whole map an island for aesthetics. Ofcourse the gameplay is completely different now. modified by CardinalAllin
Nothing to fight over.
From the look of it you should have chosen a smaller map size...
And... Really not much going on there... Looks pretty split-mapish if anything...
What map sizes dont crash? I know 128x112 works so I thought other multiples of 16 might also but alas 160x144 crashed as I mentioned. I cant find this info.
Normal map sizes are any combination of 64, 96, 128, 192 and 256...
32 should also work in any combination, but it's just too small...
128x112 and 112x128 also work.
Everything else is trial and error... And you better try before putting the work into making a map out of it.
Also note that some map sizes may not crash your Starcraft, but probably other people's installations/launchers...
On top of that non-standard sizes tend to screw up the minimap...
Version 1.1 Axiom
A 4vs4 player map where allies spawn together under Use Map Settings.
1. Defeat screen only when you and your allies have all died.
2. Map is greyed out at the start of the game rather than blacked out, so the layout of bases and terrain is visible.
The map was originally 160x144 but this crashed. So I copy pasted the whole thing onto a 192x192 and redid the minerals etc. Then I glued on edges to make the whole map an island for aesthetics. Ofcourse the gameplay is completely different now.
modified by CardinalAllin
And... Really not much going on there... Looks pretty split-mapish if anything...
32 should also work in any combination, but it's just too small...
128x112 and 112x128 also work.
Everything else is trial and error... And you better try before putting the work into making a map out of it.
Also note that some map sizes may not crash your Starcraft, but probably other people's installations/launchers...
On top of that non-standard sizes tend to screw up the minimap...