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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(4)Sad, Sad Autumn
Map ID: #450
Author: AiurZ
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 06 18:38
Comments (15)
Except of the 12h and 6h islands (you forgot the gas at 6h btw), it looks quite normal and standard. Cool idea making the 11h and 5h positions to airmap bases.
Nice map, though just a solid airmap. But definetely worth a game :)
No great experiments, anyway, the map looks good and awesome to me.
It's well made, good job.
Remove the decorating gasnodes, they only seem weird in-game :P
heh, I played a game on this and found out bottom right can mine their way out of their base =[ I put it in my change list.
and about the gas node, is it really that much of a problem? i dont really have a problem with removing it (i just need to add alot of other doodads) but the gas node seemed to be the easiest solution. do the mineral chunks? have the same effect?
Not if theyre in the way. They look smaller and like "decoration" if they contain mineral amount below 200
The position of the natural expansions is not even.
Red and purples natural expansions are quite possible to defend, while blue's is more exposed and green seems to have two naturals. Imo you need to reshape that, to make it more even.
Hmm... i dn't get the idea behind the doodad walled bridges. to me it just looks freaky :/ as well as i dislike these mineral blocks everywhere to prevent tanks from dropping somewhere. That just irritates ingame, beacause every resource is displayed on the minmap, that is really disturbing (Traiv does this quite often too i remember...)
Anyway, except this strange bridge thing the map looks quite interesting, very basic, but good.
I like it
im not sure which expansion you are talking about when you talk about the naturals. to me, bottom left and top right naturals are the expansions next to the island, and the top left and bottom right are the outcropping expansions, and the expansions between those 2 are neutral expansions, and the 2 islands are neutral as well. (i think you are confusing the neutral expansions between vertical bases as a nat). if i were to move that expansion to be more like the nat of the opposing player, then having the expansion next to the islands (either that or the islands themselves) so id end up having to redo alot of the expansion placement (and with it a lot of terrain changing) would it help if i moved the 12 nat closer to the blue base, and made it less harassable? or what if i made the resource levels at the 12 and 6 nats higher than the 10 and 4 nats (to compensate for the fact that 10 and 4 can be taken no matter what the positions, whereas its not safe to take 12 and 6 nats if its horizontal positions) or should i just remove the islands and move 12 and 6 closer to the edge of the map and create more of an outcropping at the existing neutral expansions at 8 and 2?
the walled bridges were because this was originally a land map that i got fed up with. so i just made it into islands and made it my goal to put as many doodads as i could on the map.
12 and even more, 6 are neutral expansions. So both players that are close to it should have the same chance of getting it. Right now 6 is much easier for the left player, 12 easier for the right one.
hm..I get confused now. You need ONE natural for every player. Try to make the distances to everyone's natural even (Can be quite close to the main, making expanding not to hard)
The other 2 or 4 expansions should be evenly accessible to two players each.
Oh, i haven't looked at the expansions as panschk dir. He's right, they lie very different and should be balanced so that every player can get a near expansion with the exact same possibilities to defend. You should think about fixing this.
changed a bit
i moved the top left and bottom nats more towards the center, and moved 12 more towards blue, fixed the units mining their way out problem, and changed some choke issues.
is the expansion issue relieved a bit with these changes? i can see where you are coming from, but the way i created the map, what you think of as the bottom left and top right naturals are actually neutral expansions, and 12 and 6 are naturals.
even though this does put some expos more vulnerable than others, i think it makes the game more dynamic depending on positions. even so, i recognize this as a balance problem, and im considering making the top left and bottom right expansions more vulnerable to harass.
Well, i would keep them as they are know, as said, to make the game more interresting. It's definetely better now. What do you think panschk?
The map looks good, and i like 11 and 5 o'clock. Do you think it's possible to add at leat two more expons on the map? Imo only minerals exps. Because i see 8 expands with minerals and gas, but two of them are air. That means every player will have 2 expos, but 2 of the players will have one ground expo and one air.
I still have some trouble getting used to it^^
At least I am pretty sure when I say there are not more expansions needed, the number is ok, and mineral only expands are not too interesting on an island map neither.
I guess minor balance flaws are wanted though, so don't change it anymore.
Btw I did not know you could make doodads where you can build on, but it looks like you used a lot of them in your map;)
the dentist
island map!
can't really judge those. people say estrella is balanced.
looks pretty. what more can you expect from an island map? zergs don't know how to play them and whine a lot. make zergs happy on it and you have a winner.
random map, I really like it, I just wish the mains were more equal in size :)
Nice map, though just a solid airmap. But definetely worth a game :)
No great experiments, anyway, the map looks good and awesome to me.
It's well made, good job.
and about the gas node, is it really that much of a problem? i dont really have a problem with removing it (i just need to add alot of other doodads) but the gas node seemed to be the easiest solution. do the mineral chunks? have the same effect?
Red and purples natural expansions are quite possible to defend, while blue's is more exposed and green seems to have two naturals. Imo you need to reshape that, to make it more even.
Anyway, except this strange bridge thing the map looks quite interesting, very basic, but good.
I like it
the walled bridges were because this was originally a land map that i got fed up with. so i just made it into islands and made it my goal to put as many doodads as i could on the map.
hm..I get confused now. You need ONE natural for every player. Try to make the distances to everyone's natural even (Can be quite close to the main, making expanding not to hard)
The other 2 or 4 expansions should be evenly accessible to two players each.
i moved the top left and bottom nats more towards the center, and moved 12 more towards blue, fixed the units mining their way out problem, and changed some choke issues.
is the expansion issue relieved a bit with these changes? i can see where you are coming from, but the way i created the map, what you think of as the bottom left and top right naturals are actually neutral expansions, and 12 and 6 are naturals.
even though this does put some expos more vulnerable than others, i think it makes the game more dynamic depending on positions. even so, i recognize this as a balance problem, and im considering making the top left and bottom right expansions more vulnerable to harass.
At least I am pretty sure when I say there are not more expansions needed, the number is ok, and mineral only expands are not too interesting on an island map neither.
I guess minor balance flaws are wanted though, so don't change it anymore.
Btw I did not know you could make doodads where you can build on, but it looks like you used a lot of them in your map;)
can't really judge those. people say estrella is balanced.
looks pretty. what more can you expect from an island map? zergs don't know how to play them and whine a lot. make zergs happy on it and you have a winner.