Map ID: #4507

Author: Freakling
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2012, 07, 27 22:26

Comments (10)
No way this isnt freakling... :)
What gave it away? :P
modified by Freakling
Its really good but dont u jave a map just like this?
Razor Edge. o.o
switched Mains and natural positions
moved mineral only
rotated it.
added bridges.
but got rid of the walkable cliff behind 3rd.
No, look, even the cliff is still there...

Yes, this is pretty much a remake of Razor's Edge, intended to fix the bad close position play.

And, of course, it is my first map to publicly explore "odd axial symmetry" (aka "Gaia symmetry").

I had to compromise a bit (uneven main shapes, but they are optimized for easy macroing, and "wasted space" at NE and SW corners, which makes droping and Overlord hiding easier at those locations, I guess I could change some of the cliffs to water.)

I also copied (and refined) almost all the deco from Razor's:

main & nat

double gas expo

And for the center I came up with this:

Before I forget: Like on Razor's Edge all the Assimilators have a cover effect on them, making them harder to destroy (i.e. ~1800 EHP against non-splash ranged).
Whats the center for? Just random deco?
It's obviously a compass rose that tells you exactly where your enemy is. Just follow the map revealer with the right color (they're pure sprites, hence they are visible in game, but don't reveal anything, yet change their colour according to player colours 1..4 and their respective positions...
modified by Freakling
Wait, so you can basically check what color your opponent is, go to the middle, find the corresponding color, and go directly to your opponent to scout them?
modified by JungleTerrain
Yes, that's exactly how it works.
It somwhat furthers cheesy "blind" rushes of course (especially since 4p maps have rather shorter rush distances than typical 2p maps), but it also takes 99% of the luck normally associated with (4) map scouting out of the equation. Only Zerg may chose to ovi scout the close position first instead.