(2)XelNaga Caverns 1.1
Map ID: #4523

Author: NegativeZero
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2012, 09, 19 06:00

Comments (7)
Note: This isn't meant to be balanced for BW in any way, it's basically a straight port of the SC2 map with as few changes as possible. It's mostly just a map for fun which could produce some interesting games due to the small size (96x96) and unusual layout.

Original map: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Xel'Naga_Caverns

Version 1.1:
-Reduced size of 4/10 ramps
-Added mineral block at backdoor natural entrance (2 patches of 16 minerals each)
modified by NegativeZero
but no gas for center expos?
might be too good for terran, who could just mech push across the map and take the 3rd gas as they go
hmm.? i though the side bases were more towards middle, and the low ground bases moved to the corners closer, and double entrance
If I moved the side bases more towards the middle I'd have to move the center ridges inward to make room, and the center would be so tight as to be unplayable. Even though I tried to keep it mostly the same as the original, some changes had to be made so it wasn't a completely retarded map, only somewhat retarded ;)
oh this is a 96^2
why not make it bigger size? BW needs bigger lanes.
I feel like this size actually works...not too cramped and attack lanes are decent sized.