How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #4533
Author: BWMN map pack
Map Size: 128*128
Last Updated: 2013, 01, 02 03:16
Comments (61)
Download instructions: Download, rename the "*.scm" file to "*.zip" or just open the file with a compression software that supports the *.zip format
Alternatively you can just get it here as well.
This is the newest version: Changelog:
- added more conservative versions for every map
standard blacked out observer maps (instead of greyed out for the normal versions)
middle icon on Hazard Black not visible on minimap
no use of pylon field sprites on Desertec
no additionyl text message on Desertec
no halucinated minerals on Melting Pot
- optimized wallin possibilities for Melting Pot (mostly for mains)
- some minor fixes here and there
- removed uneccessary strings
- normalized alt-tab colours
Featured maps:
(2)Resonance II
Author: Jungleterrain
(2)Cross Game
Author: CrystalDrag
(3)Hazard Black
Author: Freakling
Author: Freakling
Author: Jungleterrain
(4)Melting Pot
Author: BWMN (CrystalDrag, Freakling, Gnom, K_A, KinosJourney, Phobic)
I think this is definitely ready to be posted on now.
And my brand new TL account just passed its 3-day-trial period ;D, so I can post this tomorrow (including some guide stuff, mostly pictures, you know they say more than words ;P). modified by CrystalDrag
Congratulations to all who worked hard to make this. Big fan right here.
Wow, I really appreciate all the effort you've made for the community here, Freakling. People really seem to like the maps so far. I think in general since there is no more of an official starleague, people are more open-minded about foreign maps, since they know korea is not going to introduce any new official ones.
Thanks to Freakling for all his efforts here. Thanks to all the mappers that have put in countless hours to get this mappack going.
P.S. The pictures on the TL thread don't show up, I think.
So how the tournament going to be? Using the iccup tourament system like last time?
I used spoilers (and nested spoilers) for pictures to keep the structure of the article more clear. If you click on them, the pictures should display correctly (even rescaled for TL-format...) Have you tried it?
I fixed my starcraft so i can now join iccup server! :) and i can host on this Computer so i can help~
2nd the thanks to Freakling lalala :) who has influenced/made 66% of the mappack!
Pictures work if you click on them.
Things are getting exciting:
LML runs an Avaton tournament on GGnet tomorrow (Sunday), using the map pack.
And, even better, I got in contact with L3gendary, who is involved with the YSL tournament right now. He offered to host a similar, sponsored event once YSL is over. I'll keep you updated once he told me tells me the details.
ooh very nice :)
Team liquid thread
People getting sick of FS Python etc.
The Avaton tournament didnt fly i think... but still i feel like this mappack can go further if we get the right publicity from a tournament..
Arctimes is working on that?
And when does YSL end/has ended, freakling?
From now on whenever I host gonna try hosting these maps on iCCup....see if I can spread it to some people...
Things are making slow but steady progress.
For those of you who are willing to help out with one thing or another: Related thread.
Maybe these maps could be in the SBWI Nation Wars mappool?
BWMN Open has now been officially announced, starting in December. modified by Freakling
Holy crap das awesome
Hey freakling anything you need me to help with? Like help with liquipedia or write battle reports or anything? :D modified by asiantraceur
Best you talk to l3gendary, he's the guy with the overview.
Man, have you guys seen how many B/A ranks have signed up? I'm stoked, the skill level in the tourney so far is pretty good.
Yes, it's amazing how far a bit of money can bring you.
Hellz yea good job freakling for finding a sponsor
Don't give me too much credit, he basically found me ;)
Oh haha well now I love L3gend for making this possible
Will be interesting to see which ones people vote out o.o i bet mine will be taken out all the time T_T
People would love (4)Teru, though :)
I love them all <3
Teru will most probably make it into thew next map pack.
All your maps have kinda bad gas placement at the nats, jungle :P
I think DeserTec will probably vetoed against a lot, except for Zerg probably...
I think tosses gonna love PvT breaking a siege line with mines in the force field
Did one of the tourney maps have vision blockers? I feel like one of them did but can't remember...or am I just completely mistaken?
Yeah, I know, I've always had a hard time with nats, i really suck with them, idk why
You're not the only one, though.
Melting Pot has bad gas positions as well... And some of my maps, but those are not in the map pack :P
Kind of an oversight of all of us I guess...
I think I'll make a short article (or let's say - a picture guide) on gas placement...
Anyway, I already fixed the issue for all the maps, just waiting for L3gendary to tell me whether another update of the map pack would be OK, or if confusing players and organizers with multiple map versions would outweight the benefits...
It's not such a serious issue after all...
Like NegativeZero said natural gas isn't as important as main gas I think it'd be better to make sure this tourney runs smoothly than try fixing issues that shouldn't matter too much
Hey guys, so I've been working on Liquipedia pages for our map pack and would like you guys to help out :) I see freaklings already made edits and since you guys know these maps better than I do it's be really nice cuz I can only touch on the obvious stuff... As for the rest I'll upload map pics for the ones that don't have them yet when I get on a computer and if no one else has done it yet...also planning on doing ffe and Terran wall in pics as soon as I have time but it'd be great if you guys could help out with that...yah thanks everyone
I'd suggest that you simply use the tactical pictures for pathing and wallins that I used in the map thread.
And 4 maps are still missing pictures. modified by Freakling
Oh yah I just thought of using the mappack thread that you made's info thanks...I'll fix/add everything as soon as I get on a computer...unless someone wants to do it for me I'm still learning how to navigate Liquipedia and edit stuff and make it look pretty...DUDE SO EXCITED FOR THIS TOURNEY TO HAPPEN XD modified by asiantraceur
By the way, jungle, I still don't know: What the heck is a Gemlong?
A long Gem... like... A pillar of diamond or something?
Or is it a missspelling of "gemblong", as google tries to convince me. In that case: What the heck, an indonesian sweet ... something?
Btw are we gonna start working on Market Square? I can make changes but dunno if you guys will like them
Also wondering, are the vision blockers in Melting Pot under the DWebs? Also why is the biohazard symbol removed? I can understand why the minerals are removed as they're more noticeable and some cheeses do involve a 4/5 peon being sent out but I feel the hazard symbol was part of the map, not too distracting, and can be compared to the giant Python in Python, or the airplane + Boeing/kakarus in Flight Dreamliner, just some nice deco...also are the pylon field sprites removed too cuz I feel like no toss could possibly mistake it and screw up and it helps denote the force field areas modified by asiantraceur
haha... Gemlong.
It doesn't mean anything, or at least to me it doesn't.
The simple story behind it is that I was watching somebody's live stream playing on fish ladder, using a korean launcher. It might've been Scan's stream or something, idk.
Well, the launcher gave a message and it was in Romanized Korean, and it read "Gemlong".
As soon as I saw that, I was like, "huh...wonder what that means...maybe I'll name a map that sometime."
So yeah... I'm actually really curious as to what that means. It might be a proper name or something; in that case it wouldn't really have a meaning, I guess.
@asian: Just do it.
I have no time for that right now...
It shouldn't become another Frealing map anyway...
Yes, under the d-webs and minerals of the minonlies, so you need an air scout to see the workers from the middle.
Some people complained that the minimap icon was too close to the red (=enemy in alt-tab) player colour, so I replaced the tiles that show on the minimap.
The pylon field sprites are still there, for just the reasons you mentioned.
@Jungle: Let's just hope they weren't just flaming each other :P
Okay thanks
Dude lol now I'm curious what a Gemlong is... modified by asiantraceur
Theoretically this:
No google results though, who speaks korean?
Is CrystalDrag Korean?
It isn\'t a korean word haha... Has no meaning even when i tru changing up the vowels.
People <3 gemlong~
Fixed this for you lazy bastard ;) modified by Freakling
@Asiantraceur: I posted on skype already, but I am not sure whether you\'ll read it there.
So I am posting it here again.
I have little time this week. Could you maybe see to it, that there is a map-feedback thread coming up on, where we can gather feedback, opinions, suggestetions etc.?
Some ideas:
- Polls (favourite map, most balanced, most exciting... Not too much though)
- a template for criticism/problem reports:
(Map name, explanation for problem, some analysis of the actual issue or suggestions for improvements, link to replay or screeshot [screenshot prefered if the issue doesn't really require things to be in motion...]).
- I think you can probably think of more or better things... modified by Freakling
Alright I think L3gendary said he might do something but if not I'll handle that...
Would the feedback be used to improve during the tournament or for future use?
Would the feedback be used to improve during the tournament or for future use?
Mostly future use.
Improvements during the tournament would mean shenanigans with different map versions...
But I'll do my best to keep an updated version around and make changes whenever an issue has been clearly identified.
Maybe one final update once group stages are over wouldn't be such a terrible idea. But only if needed... l3gendary would have final say, anyway.
I think during playoffs players get to veto a map or something...So it'll show which map is least favorite or disliked or uncomfortable or something
Hey, does any one of you guys cast games? Unfortunately we've run a bit short on casters...
not me
I could try...I mean I havent casted games before but if its a better to have someone rather than no one case I could do it...Im not a horrible noob but Im not someone whos really good with a lot of experience....
First cast at midnight C.E.T (about 45 minutes from now)!
Freakling update this file! :)
Can't you do it...
Actually, because of file size, and how this site limits it, I'd have to reupload (with new thread...)
Download instructions: Download, rename the "*.scm" file to "*.zip" or just open the file with a compression software that supports the *.zip format
Alternatively you can just get it here as well.
This is the newest version:
- added more conservative versions for every map
- optimized wallin possibilities for Melting Pot (mostly for mains)
- some minor fixes here and there
- removed uneccessary strings
- normalized alt-tab colours
Featured maps:
Author: Jungleterrain
Author: CrystalDrag
Author: Freakling
Author: Freakling
Author: Jungleterrain
Author: BWMN (CrystalDrag, Freakling, Gnom, K_A, KinosJourney, Phobic)
modified by Freakling
Teamliquid Forum
Liquidpedia Page
I think this is definitely ready to be posted on now.
And my brand new TL account just passed its 3-day-trial period ;D, so I can post this tomorrow (including some guide stuff, mostly pictures, you know they say more than words ;P).
modified by CrystalDrag
Damn, that took a lot of time to write up...
Thanks to Freakling for all his efforts here. Thanks to all the mappers that have put in countless hours to get this mappack going.
P.S. The pictures on the TL thread don't show up, I think.
2nd the thanks to Freakling lalala :) who has influenced/made 66% of the mappack!
Pictures work if you click on them.
LML runs an Avaton tournament on GGnet tomorrow (Sunday), using the map pack.
And, even better, I got in contact with L3gendary, who is involved with the YSL tournament right now. He offered to host a similar, sponsored event once YSL is over. I'll keep you updated once he told me tells me the details.
People getting sick of FS Python etc.
The Avaton tournament didnt fly i think... but still i feel like this mappack can go further if we get the right publicity from a tournament..
Arctimes is working on that?
And when does YSL end/has ended, freakling?
For those of you who are willing to help out with one thing or another: Related thread.
modified by Freakling
modified by asiantraceur
We're popular.
And now we're going big.
It's 64 players now.
All your maps have kinda bad gas placement at the nats, jungle :P
I think DeserTec will probably vetoed against a lot, except for Zerg probably...
Yeah, I know, I've always had a hard time with nats, i really suck with them, idk why
Melting Pot has bad gas positions as well... And some of my maps, but those are not in the map pack :P
Kind of an oversight of all of us I guess...
I think I'll make a short article (or let's say - a picture guide) on gas placement...
Anyway, I already fixed the issue for all the maps, just waiting for L3gendary to tell me whether another update of the map pack would be OK, or if confusing players and organizers with multiple map versions would outweight the benefits...
It's not such a serious issue after all...
And 4 maps are still missing pictures.
modified by Freakling
modified by asiantraceur
A long Gem... like... A pillar of diamond or something?
Or is it a missspelling of "gemblong", as google tries to convince me. In that case: What the heck, an indonesian sweet ... something?
modified by asiantraceur
It doesn't mean anything, or at least to me it doesn't.
The simple story behind it is that I was watching somebody's live stream playing on fish ladder, using a korean launcher. It might've been Scan's stream or something, idk.
Well, the launcher gave a message and it was in Romanized Korean, and it read "Gemlong".
As soon as I saw that, I was like, "huh...wonder what that means...maybe I'll name a map that sometime."
So yeah... I'm actually really curious as to what that means. It might be a proper name or something; in that case it wouldn't really have a meaning, I guess.
I have no time for that right now...
It shouldn't become another Frealing map anyway...
Yes, under the d-webs and minerals of the minonlies, so you need an air scout to see the workers from the middle.
Some people complained that the minimap icon was too close to the red (=enemy in alt-tab) player colour, so I replaced the tiles that show on the minimap.
The pylon field sprites are still there, for just the reasons you mentioned.
@Jungle: Let's just hope they weren't just flaming each other :P
Dude lol now I'm curious what a Gemlong is...
modified by asiantraceur
No google results though, who speaks korean?
People <3 gemlong~
modified by crystaldrag
<3 l3gendary
Fixed this for you lazy bastard ;)
modified by Freakling
So I am posting it here again.
I have little time this week. Could you maybe see to it, that there is a map-feedback thread coming up on, where we can gather feedback, opinions, suggestetions etc.?
Some ideas:
- Polls (favourite map, most balanced, most exciting... Not too much though)
- a template for criticism/problem reports:
(Map name, explanation for problem, some analysis of the actual issue or suggestions for improvements, link to replay or screeshot [screenshot prefered if the issue doesn't really require things to be in motion...]).
- I think you can probably think of more or better things...
modified by Freakling
Improvements during the tournament would mean shenanigans with different map versions...
But I'll do my best to keep an updated version around and make changes whenever an issue has been clearly identified.
Maybe one final update once group stages are over wouldn't be such a terrible idea. But only if needed... l3gendary would have final say, anyway.
Actually, because of file size, and how this site limits it, I'd have to reupload (with new thread...)
And i do much from phone