(2)Golden Sunrise1.5
Map ID: #456

Author: Travin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2005, 10, 07 14:50

Comments (21)
many quick updates
It's definetely unconventional. i like it :)
hm, terran could 'cliff' the natural if he just takes 2 scvs with the tanks, for building a depot/bay blocking the path from the back of the base.

If terran takes the left upper corner cliff, his enemy (especially p) loses wo expansions at once.

Hard to get a 2nd expo.

That are some thoughts about it.
Though it is not my style, it's really original and well made. very interesting (and good!) style of mapping :)
changed mineral placement in mains, it was annyoing to defend backdoor when you had to micro your units or they would try to go through workers
Your Sunken Pits and probably some other doodads are messed up from switching back and forth from starforge to staredit.
its just the jpg, i dont use starforge its to much trobules using it
just use scmdraft2.0, the image then is without any problems. even the startlocation icons are displayed correct!
ah, use scmdraft2.0 to create the image actually, that's what i meant ^^
btw, is there a way to switch the standard "save image"-file at scmdraft2 into making JPG instead of bmp?
Nope, i got a small "tool" from a friend of mine which writes a "Convert to jpg 90" line into the options in the right-click menu in windows. Everytime i select a bmp, i can convert it to jpg quality 90 with a simple click ;)

or you use a pictureviewtool like irfanview or something. Just 3 additional clicks.
atm, I am using paints for just saving the bmp as a jpeg again^^
get irfanview. This program is fast and very nice to resize images etc.

Imo, this map has written MOTW all over it. Some small balance issues might be a problem, but it looks so good and fresh gameplay-wise, this could be a classic imo.

I hope there will be replays soon;)
very tight i think
You could set ramps on the cliff at the up left corner to make it less terrandominated.
i dont think this map is terran dominated
reasons, pretty hard for t to get second expo
and its quite open in middle imo+unbuildable ground
this map looks really funny for proxy rushes and fast games. But i dont think it gives more than that unfortunatelly. there is just too little space to battle it out on.

very nice design though, and a fitting name :9

GMCS: just a little tweak to increase battle area..
btw, gmcs comment goes for the opposite highground too, im just too lazy to post it :P
i couldnt see where the gmcs was placed beacause i got no pic of the map in background but i guess it was about widen up middle.

i did that and i also added a expo to fight over
i see no difference :P
Wow, it's like on the battle.net page atm, i hit F5 multiple times, and nothing changes! :P

Maybe your forgot to upload the pic?
i changed some maps to userfinal