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(4)Runespire Temple
Map ID: #4564
Author: Excalibur
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2013, 01, 13 10:30
Comments (5)
LT Clone. Comments welcome. modified by Excalibur
Python clone!
First map of you in ages O_o
Nat to nat diatnces are way more, and way too, uneven, though.
Resource counts are rather low, compared to other newer maps.
Move the islands into the corners, move the mains closer together, have a look a CrystalDrag's new desert map to get an idea on how to get a good layout with not too short nat to nat distances.
I have a quick question, are to N2N distances the same everywhere(except cross spawn) in python?
No, they are shorter for 3vs6/9vs12. But not as significantly as here.
modified by Excalibur
First map of you in ages O_o
Nat to nat diatnces are way more, and way too, uneven, though.
Resource counts are rather low, compared to other newer maps.
Move the islands into the corners, move the mains closer together, have a look a CrystalDrag's new desert map to get an idea on how to get a good layout with not too short nat to nat distances.