Map ID: #4574

Author: Excalibur
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2013, 01, 28 08:35

Comments (27)
Tanarok or phobic?
maybe traceur?
99% sure it isn't traceur, he's been very busy lately - and it isn't me either lol
Could it be Arctimes???
the fact that you thought it was me sort of makes me want to make a map....

probably phobic or arctimes
Haha same Negatives right...I'm thinking phobic?
Prett interesting/tactical with the back doors
modified by traceurling
Lol, I think the mains are still tankable (looking at the picture) from the outside... just siege there and use a lifted rax/ebay to see over the cliff.
Or this is Freakling!! :D
But i think Phobic.
modified by CrystalDrag
I don't do deko like that.
Also having the tight passage on the very top two tiles wider than the one on the bottom is something I would have known how to prevent (Tip: Do not use symmetry tool, beyond the stage of creating general outlines!)
I was kidding ^-^ I know you dont use the tool much.
And your deco would be much nicer.
maybe excalibur?
It seems like Excalibur's style.

He always does weird concepts with weird mineral lines and simple decoration that lacks doodads.
Bingo! :D
Yeah, I knew it :P
And whats wrong with my min lines? D: Granted the natural ones are a certain way so they wall.
not necessarily wrong..

but usually use minerals are copied from the korean pro maps because they're supposed to be balanced and not have any super weird mining patterns.
Taranok, you are wrong...
But I'll write a very elaborate guide on how to debug and balance resources very soon, so you'll have to wait...
I just make my mineral lines to my own style. i prefer doing corner mineral angles, because i like how the appearance is.

any straigt mineral lines i do are randomly (but usually have he same pattern) but usually have theae properties

never more than three types of he same mineral field type(i do not use randomize minerals)
mever have more than three fields the same distance drom the cc (unless horizontal)(this is to allow better knoledge of which minerals are being mined from)
never have gaps greater than a pylon

i look forward to that article freakling
I usually try not to do crazy stuff with mineral placements, I just try to do something that looks standard and mines well.

The main thing I look out for in my mineral lines is trying to prevent workers from going behind the mineral lines, which makes mining inefficient.

Also, workers sometimes take awkward and long paths, which is also inefficient, and probably has to do with the game AI. I think drones, scvs, and probes also mine slightly different.

If you look at some of the maps that deal with the Gas Issue and the research done by the mappers some years ago (on this site), some races have different rates at which they mine gas at different positions.

And last but not least, I almost always prefer vertical mineral lines over horizontal ones. I think players are more comfortable with this since it's a trend recent professional maps follow.

I'll be looking forwards for Freakling's article on mining, too :)
modified by JungleTerrain
terrible map
apparently freakling knows something that we don't....

actually, there's probably a lot of things that freakling knows.
modified by Taranok
Looking forward to freaklings article too :D
Aren't different mining rates not a result of worker mining rates, but of different collision sizes of the workers/CC/Hatch/Nexus?
Now that I think about it, in PvT, it would be pretty difficult to defend vs 2 Tanks in a dropship and couple of vultures that made their way all the way to the neutral generator behind the nat. The passage is narrow, so you could put mines, and the tanks get vision from the dropship and easily reach the nat minerals...

Could be :P
yeah i'm pretty sure traceurling is right on that one.
No, different mining rates are due to workers' different acceleration (probe > drone > scv). SCVs have the worst mining rate because they take the longest to speed up after mining the mineral and the longest to slow down before depositing the mineral at the CC, and vice versa for the probe.
wait, actually all mining rates are equal (i think). differences in movement are made up in different collision sizes.....

So like the command center has the largest size.


but actually it says all workers move the same? hmm.....
modified by Taranok