Map ID: #4590

Author: Freakling and CrystalDrag
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2013, 08, 23 01:05

Comments (26)
So here it is: DeserTec meets Oxide... I opted for completely symmetric main/nat layouts this time, for easier positional balancing, so symmetry is probably more Grand-Line-like.

Crystal seemed to like the idea, to deco this.
So go ahead :D
Do those doodads next to the geysers help them mining? :D
And i am going to try a new decoration concept of mine for this map. :D
modified by CrystalDrag
Only those on the right side, the ones left only got them for symmetry reasons.

modified by CrystalDrag
oh so it looks like the bridge decoration in architexture. oh well!!
freakling, how would the map be if the natural was highground as well? just wondering...
swastika at top right
o.o did not notice that when i did that...
A bit uneasy on the eyes... I know I know, I am guilty myself (Architexture, but I am seriously considering ramoving moct of the current main deco again).

Maybe you could keep it like that on the rim, but put some "solid" plating around where the start location is...

But basically, just do, what you like. I had nothing specific in mind, besides the layout, when I made this map.
You can/should change the solar array, too, I just put it there to mark, where the ground should be unbuildable.
Just remember to make the medium ground right in front of the wide "Oxide"-ramps unbuildable, too, I think buildable ramps are a kind of awkward thing to have in a map :P

EDIT: Oh, lol, yeah, and kick the Nazis out, of course :P
modified by Freakling
And why would you want to make the nat high ground?

How would it be...?
First of, no ramp to safely defend
Secondly: No safe ovi cliff anymore...
Added a hidden trigger so that Teal's base will always win.
lol nice korean flag at bottom right

Also not a big deal, but maybe you should flip the mineral configurations at the 3 and 9 bases so the ramp opens away from the gas so space is more evenly distributed (unless you wanted the gas to be vulnerable in which case it's perfectly fine).

Edit: didn't quite mean "vulnerable", more like "first thing that's going to be targeted if they manage to break into that base". That gas position basically is a non-issue, feel free to ignore what I said.
modified by NegativeZero
The gas isnt vulnerable .-.
Urgh it come out terrible. T_T
Nice :D But:

- I don't like the "korean base", doesn't blend in so fine with the others...

- the deco on the mineral onlies is boring, ugly, and so ripped off Architxture...

- the dark solar array line across the middle should accentutate the bend in the middle more (i.e., the lines should be more shifted apart at the diagonal part in the middle)

- And insted of, or additionally to, the clutter doodads you put everywhere, I think there should be some rusty pit clutter around the edges of the central valley, like on Oxide, to give it the right ragged feeling.

- I think you need to chip away an edge of those triangles, to make sure the mineral onlies are still comfortably pylon-wallable

The gas positions are actually very calculated. right side bases have worse nat gas, and get a better position on their 3rd to compensate.
modified by Freakling
I do it some other time.. I sleepy. :)

- I dont like the korean base, doesnt blend in so fine with the others...
Mean. -.-

- the deco on the mineral onlies is boring, ugly, and so ripped off Architxture...
Yes. I guess ill use more plating. :P

- the dark solar array line across the middle should accentutate the bend in the middle more (i.e., the lines should be more shifted apart at the diagonal part in the middle)

- And insted of, or additionally to, the clutter doodads you put everywhere, I think there should be some rusty pit clutter around the edges of the central valley, like on Oxide, to give it the right ragged feeling.
Ill do that.

- I think you need to chip away an edge of those triangles, to make sure the mineral onlies are still comfortably pylon-wallable
Two pylons? or Three?

i am terrible with space decoration in the middle of maps, because i always tend to make the entire thing unbuildable.

modified by CrystalDrag
I like this map, has a Grand Line feel, pretty standard
Make more noticeable or prominent.

So if there is horizontal spawning, they expand to gas, and if vertical/diagonal they can expand to other natural for 3rd gas?

There, Done!
modified by CrystalDrag
This decoration is really fun to do. :)
Did you really need to look that up in a dictionary?

I think you got it right, though, as far as I can tell through the eye-rape colours... Accentuating picture contrasts was not, what I asked you to do :(
Damn that picture is bright
modified by traceurling
too much eye rape
Yes i really had to look it up in a dictionary....
kekeke i like this brigghtness
Nice nice nice, good "standard" map variation
Did some tile "cleaning" associated with the plating, and added a bit more decoration to the middle.
Not an actual update... More like an update work in progress...

Or is that an "update in progress" then ?! O_o
modified by Freakling
What did you change?