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(2)Isle of Fertility
Map ID: #4614
Author: NegativeZero
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2013, 04, 02 15:41
Comments (6)
I've actually been working on this for quite a while now - I think with a few minor edits it has the potential to replace Overwatch as the map I'm entering for the ICCup contest. In fact, this might be a better option since they just picked up a new 2p twilight map (Resonance) for the mappack.
-Short air distances between mains
-Very far corner island bases (mineral blocked)
-High-resource neutral base - players can fight over this base in the late-game
-Map might be too linear
-3rd is definitely hard for Z - the question is, do the other features make up for it? Z's air-based 2 base strategies (muta harass, drops of various kinds) become significantly more powerful with the short air distance. modified by NegativeZero
Now I know why the map name is. It is penis shaped like The D 1.0
Why is every one invoking rule 34 all of a sudden?
-Short air distances between mains
-Very far corner island bases (mineral blocked)
-High-resource neutral base - players can fight over this base in the late-game
-Map might be too linear
-3rd is definitely hard for Z - the question is, do the other features make up for it? Z's air-based 2 base strategies (muta harass, drops of various kinds) become significantly more powerful with the short air distance.
modified by NegativeZero
We already had that map!