(2)loldarim altar
Map ID: #4647

Author: NegativeZero
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2013, 04, 26 23:29

Comments (8)
Split map is going to be an issue...one big high ground choke.::
Obviously NegativeZero. :P Taldarim altar mains/nats...
Don't know yet if I want to finish this. The expo pattern is weird with a lot of them being open/far/generally hard to take, and somehow despite this starting as a Tal'Darim remake I managed to accidentally and subconsciously rip off Cloud Kingdom yet again...
i dont think a taldarim nat setup will work with a 2p map. Think ~ Naturals are closer to the center, thus reducing the amount of paths possible, wheras if they were next to the edge they would be able to grant different paths.
I sketched out a suggestion for a concept change in the GMCS.
It would make the map more dynamic and prvent any split map and mobility issues...
Freakling's suggestion seems better than the current concept may be do that and finish the map :
What was wrong with the last Tal'Darim remake you showed us on Skype, anyways?
It had the same problems with the Nats, sure, but pushing everything around to have the nats at the sites would not have been a problem, and then you'd have a pretty standard 4-player map. Or did you consider it too standard to be interesting any more?
Not sure really - I guess I just felt like doing something different with it, after all I've already done a Tal'Darim remake (even if it sucked lol). In general I greatly prefer making 2p maps, largely because there's a lot more room for originality (and yes, also because the symmetry is easier :P)