(2)Son of a Gun
Map ID: #4746

Author: outscar
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2014, 10, 25 17:24

Comments (5)
My 2nd map. Me showing my beginner skills xD.
modified by outscar

modified by outscar
First of:
- Make proper mineral formations
- Make a proper nat
- Make mains a proper size
- Make everything else more open
- Get rid of all those straight lines
Something goes wrong when I want to place my start locations. Maybe because of wrong grid or not, I can't place my start location near my minerals, only too far.

I tried making little mains to force each player for fast expand.

I will scout proper mineral formations next time and try to use in my own maps.

More open? You mean there is no battle line?

Which lines you mean, that creepy deco at corners? I really need to learn using brush. For now it seems a little hard to me.
modified by outscar
"I tried making little mains to force each player for fast expand."

Fast expand is already a popular play, so I don't really understand why you want to do that. In any case, maps that have tiny mains have to compensate with large naturals. The dynamic isn't that interesting to be honest.

One of the common mistakes of novice mappers is that they build a boring main and nat, and then think 'now it's time to fill up the middle!' Actually you'll have more success if you design an interesting main, nat and third, and then make subtle adjustments to the middle as necessary, leaving it mostly open. Maps with a single narrow path from one base to the enemies are usually pretty bad and imbalanced. You either need a totally open middle or a small number of wide paths, usually which connect to each other at some point. The idea being that flanking has to be possible with large armies, ideally from more than 2 sides at some point in the path.