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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #475
Author: flothefreak
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 11 19:16
Comments (19)
A quite conventional map on first glance, but this mostly refers to the design ofg the natural.
I'm sorry for not uploading an image, but as my scmdraft is creating _16_MB_-pics (resolution 4096x4096), even a convertred jpeg is about 3MB.
I will try to hand in a suitable image afterwards
thanks for your comments so long.
Ok, resized the image with photodraw.
Hmm... that's what i thought. I already told SI that he should do something about this to be even more competitive to scmjpg. Anyway, if it won't work wel, use the other tool instead ^^
btw, i like the ash tileset very well, though most people hate it because of gamma/brightness.
The mainbases are very big and grey, maybe change the terrain more often there.
T has to wall with 2 depots and one rax, and still zerglings come through, but i wouldn't wall against zerg (here) anyway. T has to watch out early, that adds some more importance to cheese/disturbing tactics maybe, i like it.
I tried to find the somehow special design of the natural. Hmm... were you refering to the look with details, or the shape itself? because the shape is as always, and the design is good, but not outstanding. Dunno, maybe i got you wrong somehow.
I like the extra expansions on ground, the one with gas and the min-only next to it, best part of the map imo.
So, i'd say you could add some more details and improve this map through that a lot. Balancewise it looks ok.
yeah that is what i hated on ashworld maps.
for I have a quite bad - say dark - monitor, I couldn't see anything on ash maps. Until I got powerstrip, now i like them :>
How should I change terrain in the main bases? there is no buildable terrain I could use :[
That was the problem that turned out in the end...
Read again, I said the _map_ MAY seem conventional, but this is only when you look at the naturals - because THOSE are completely standard (independent from the rest of the map)^^
The thing about lings getting through the wall-in is common at every normal wall-in.
Maybe terran could even wall with rax/depot to make it lingsafe, but i didn't test that. If it works, well, another opening for this map :D
Which details should I add in your opinion? just more doodads or details in the structure? I can't see what exactly you are referring to, sry
Hmm... just regarding the terrain. The mainbases are actually quite big, so you may put some unbuidable terrain there as well, maybe some small parts near towards the mapmiddle as pissble trop positions and some small cracks or something like that. As long as these cracks are't at the entrance or next to the HQ, this should be no problem ingame and don't disturb while buidling the base on startup.
there can never be too much building space;) Imo it's ok the mainbases are like that, it's the same on pro maps in ashworld too. I would not change that.
I like this map, it will probably play like many other maps, the design of the expos in the middle does not change the gameplay much in most games, as many actally don't last that long. And the naturals and distances are pretty standard, but that's ok.
One thing though, the left min-only expand is unbuildable, fix that please;)
I actually don't want to make the bases smaller, for there is not much buildable terrain at the middle and the expansions anyway. I don't want terran or protoss to have problems here. :>
Changed the left minonly, thanks, didn't see that.
Updated melee and obs vers, creating a normal image is annoying me now too much :[
how do you make your images? if with scmdraft, how do you convert it to normal size?
I do them with scmtojpg (You find it in our file-base too).
To convert images, I recommend Irfanview (just google for it, it's freeware)
I did use scm2jpg before I started working with scmdraft2. As soon as I save one map with this programm, I can't make a picture of it. There is always the bottom part of the map covered with a grey bar which is like, covering the fifth part(<-?) of the map.
Dunno what to do about it :[
So I'll try irvanview I think...
This problem come up with through the doodads.
When you create the map with scmdraft, and set all doodads with StarEdit, there is no problem with scmjpg.
Your Name
I use for maps SCM Draft, then in MSpaintbrush save it as 24bit BMP, than resize to 25% and then save as jpg.
just use mapconverter 1.7. never ever had troubles with it. the only problem is that spritedoodads dissapear on the image.
Teh Mighty Updater has struck again.
-made map look more beautiful
-changed entrances
-changed naturals slightly
whaddyathink? do you see something to improve?
I think you actually overdid the doodads a bit. But it surely got style.
As I said in another mapcomment (did almost the same on twilight): It's looks messy on the picture, and I'll play a bit to see if it disturbs ingame [This should be also a test for the article I wrote]
I'll play on those 3 mass-doodad-maps this weekend and then see if I remove a few
the more doodads the more beatiful is the map?
No ?!
like, don't judge by image?
play the map and see for yourself, won't say more
I'm sorry for not uploading an image, but as my scmdraft is creating _16_MB_-pics (resolution 4096x4096), even a convertred jpeg is about 3MB.
I will try to hand in a suitable image afterwards
thanks for your comments so long.
btw, i like the ash tileset very well, though most people hate it because of gamma/brightness.
The mainbases are very big and grey, maybe change the terrain more often there.
T has to wall with 2 depots and one rax, and still zerglings come through, but i wouldn't wall against zerg (here) anyway. T has to watch out early, that adds some more importance to cheese/disturbing tactics maybe, i like it.
I tried to find the somehow special design of the natural. Hmm... were you refering to the look with details, or the shape itself? because the shape is as always, and the design is good, but not outstanding. Dunno, maybe i got you wrong somehow.
I like the extra expansions on ground, the one with gas and the min-only next to it, best part of the map imo.
So, i'd say you could add some more details and improve this map through that a lot. Balancewise it looks ok.
for I have a quite bad - say dark - monitor, I couldn't see anything on ash maps. Until I got powerstrip, now i like them :>
How should I change terrain in the main bases? there is no buildable terrain I could use :[
That was the problem that turned out in the end...
Read again, I said the _map_ MAY seem conventional, but this is only when you look at the naturals - because THOSE are completely standard (independent from the rest of the map)^^
The thing about lings getting through the wall-in is common at every normal wall-in.
Maybe terran could even wall with rax/depot to make it lingsafe, but i didn't test that. If it works, well, another opening for this map :D
Which details should I add in your opinion? just more doodads or details in the structure? I can't see what exactly you are referring to, sry
I like this map, it will probably play like many other maps, the design of the expos in the middle does not change the gameplay much in most games, as many actally don't last that long. And the naturals and distances are pretty standard, but that's ok.
One thing though, the left min-only expand is unbuildable, fix that please;)
Changed the left minonly, thanks, didn't see that.
Updated melee and obs vers, creating a normal image is annoying me now too much :[
how do you make your images? if with scmdraft, how do you convert it to normal size?
To convert images, I recommend Irfanview (just google for it, it's freeware)
Dunno what to do about it :[
So I'll try irvanview I think...
When you create the map with scmdraft, and set all doodads with StarEdit, there is no problem with scmjpg.
-made map look more beautiful
-changed entrances
-changed naturals slightly
whaddyathink? do you see something to improve?
I'll play on those 3 mass-doodad-maps this weekend and then see if I remove a few
the more doodads the more beatiful is the map?
No ?!
play the map and see for yourself, won't say more