Replay uploaded of ifu.eonzerg vs HuntersSUD. modified by CardinalAllin
You have done much better already, I think :(
This is really odd concept, I didn't get it much. But honestly replay was great. What, you wanted to try out new style by making vertical spawn positions with 4 corner map?
You are funny outscar; of all the things you could have chosen that are non standard on this map.
I dont really understand what you mean when you say "new style by making vertical spawn positions with 4 corner map". Perhaps that would apply to (2)Checkpoint and (2)Switchblade etc. Also I would be hesitant to ever use the word 'new' when talking about brood war ;)
This map is not a 4 corner map though, there are only 2 mains. And I say that because
each main has 11 minerals and 2 gas whereas the corner expos have 7 minerals and 1 gas (the number of gas being 1 reason why I would differentiate but also due to the size of the base being much smaller).
So yeah the things that would stand out to me if I was looking at this map for the first time would be:
-11 minerals and 2 gas in the main.
-2 ramps into the main, one blocked by eggs.
-No standard natural and there are only 5 minerals at the nearest expos.
-Forward base has gas, 4 ramps in. Edge base has 2 ramps and no gas.
-Corner base has 1 ramp entrance, and has gas.
-Middle has many hills, chokes and buildable space. And Id be looking at how they fit together with open areas. This is a really important part.
-Can get a worker scout into the main using the mineral patch at the top of the egg blocked ramp. (Can use the small hill to get vision of the patch first) modified by CardinalAllin
Sorry for not noticing other differences. What I wanted to meant that 4 corners of map are actually pretty similar which can confuse when players play it 1st time because they gonna think that this is like 4 player spawn map although 1, 5 bases are smaller than mains. And I have never seen 2 player map with 4 corners where spawn positions are only vertical - no horizontal, random or diagonal. At 1st look it looks like 4 player symmetric map and if it's not 4 player map but only 2 player map(s) with similar corners I saw yet was/were with diagonal spawn locations. So that's why I thought about that you wanted to force players to play with new style because if they want to play macro game they need to clean up rush. I checked those your two maps, and honestly I never noticed them before, so maybe that's why I found this thing different and was expecting 4 spawn positions. Can you give me more examples of this type of maps if you know?
Nono I just found it funny thats all.
Cant think of any more maps like Checkpoint/Switchblade at the moment. I did make a few more but didn’t release them.
oops just to clarify, when I said analysing the middle of a map is a really important part, I didnt mean that this map has an amazing middle or anything.
I just meant that if I was looking at this map for the first time I would identify that the middle is non standard and ridiculous. And from there, I would be thinking that its particularly important to try and anticipate how different scenarios would play out etc.
And after all of that, I would tell the author of this map that its rubbish :)
Freakling, do you wanna make a map that is non standard, featuring:
-2 gas in the main
-No easy nat
-Middle has lots of obstacles modified by CardinalAllin
What do you mean? A cooperation? Fix this map for you? Remake Peaks of Baekdu?
I like all of those options, do you like any of them?
a cooperation... I guess I should get Skype running again, then we could talk about it.
Fixing this map... Sorry, I seriously do not see enough potential in it adopt it.
Remake Peaks of Baekdu... Let's just say I have a ton of other map projects already running (or rather stagnating, for the mopst part, I guess), so I'd rather not start any new ones soon.
The map name is from a Xonotic map. This bw map certainly does not do it justice.
More Pics of the Xonotic map
Replay uploaded of ifu.eonzerg vs HuntersSUD.
modified by CardinalAllin
I dont really understand what you mean when you say "new style by making vertical spawn positions with 4 corner map". Perhaps that would apply to (2)Checkpoint and (2)Switchblade etc. Also I would be hesitant to ever use the word 'new' when talking about brood war ;)
This map is not a 4 corner map though, there are only 2 mains. And I say that because
each main has 11 minerals and 2 gas whereas the corner expos have 7 minerals and 1 gas (the number of gas being 1 reason why I would differentiate but also due to the size of the base being much smaller).
So yeah the things that would stand out to me if I was looking at this map for the first time would be:
-11 minerals and 2 gas in the main.
-2 ramps into the main, one blocked by eggs.
-No standard natural and there are only 5 minerals at the nearest expos.
-Forward base has gas, 4 ramps in. Edge base has 2 ramps and no gas.
-Corner base has 1 ramp entrance, and has gas.
-Middle has many hills, chokes and buildable space. And Id be looking at how they fit together with open areas. This is a really important part.
-Can get a worker scout into the main using the mineral patch at the top of the egg blocked ramp. (Can use the small hill to get vision of the patch first)
modified by CardinalAllin
Cant think of any more maps like Checkpoint/Switchblade at the moment. I did make a few more but didn’t release them.
I just meant that if I was looking at this map for the first time I would identify that the middle is non standard and ridiculous. And from there, I would be thinking that its particularly important to try and anticipate how different scenarios would play out etc.
And after all of that, I would tell the author of this map that its rubbish :)
Freakling, do you wanna make a map that is non standard, featuring:
-2 gas in the main
-No easy nat
-Middle has lots of obstacles
modified by CardinalAllin
Fixing this map... Sorry, I seriously do not see enough potential in it adopt it.
Remake Peaks of Baekdu... Let's just say I have a ton of other map projects already running (or rather stagnating, for the mopst part, I guess), so I'd rather not start any new ones soon.
modified by CardinalAllin