How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)Natural Rules II
Map ID: #4877
Author: Rickv
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2018, 02, 07 23:43
Comments (23)
heheeh, hopefully you guys like the new version? anything to improve on it, please do tell me...
Modifications done:
-Remade basically the map.
-Made middle wide open so there's enough room for fighting.
-Naturals and Main are closer making the worker transfer faster, dunno if fast enough.
-Made ramps, hopefully they aren't too ugly or blocky and ppl like them.
-Expansions at 3 and 9 o'clock gas works perfectly, tested and functional.
New Modifications done (21/01/2018):
-Taken into account pathing of units.
-Remade High ground to ice ramp in 5 0'clock expansion.
-Remade expansions at 3 // 9 o'clock.
-Remade Middle, making it less straight and more Shuriken like.
Modifications done (01/02/2018):
-Open middle.
-added 2 more expansions.
-Reposition of minerals in mains and nats,
same with gas, considering mining rates.
-Repostion of Resources in expansions.
Modifications done (06/02/20018):
-V 0.16
-Reorganized mineral lines taking into account
pathing of workers, hopefully optimizing mineral
gathering rate in each base, tested each and every mining base.
-Reorganized geysers, hopefully optimizing
gas gathering rate in each base, tested each geyser in each expansion.
modified by Rickv100491
Aaaaaaaaaaand.... another map where not even the picture has acceptable quality...
New modifications in first comment. modified by Rickv100491
modified by Rickv100491
Why are the gases like that? As far as I can tell it adds nothing to the gameplay and the blockiness is just ugly. If a feature in your map overall has a negative effect on the quality on the map, you should seriously consider removing it or replacing it with something worthwhile.
Aesthetically speaking, there are soooo many straight lines. Can you try to emulate most maps that are out there?
Have you watched professional starcrat? Have you played on any pro maps? They might not be the standard for the best maps, but they at least aren't terribly ugly, in fact, some of them are quite pleasing to the eye. Get rid of the straight lines, and try to implement a concept that uses natural-looking cliff edges.
That's just the looks of the map, but I assure you, players take notice of this.
Also, there's some random misplaced doodads here and there, leaving blocky terrain. Get rid of those.
The concept and execution of your map is just awkward. They are both lacking, so it is quite difficult to pinpoint which one is at fault for compromising gameplay. When I mean compromised gameplay, I mean imbalances, but also players will be really uncomfortable because the map abandons so many characteristics of an "orthodox" or "standard" map. Player reactions will generally be "wtf" when they see that they don't even have a good possibility to fast expand, the base has a weird backdoor that causes path-issues, no clear natural expansion, etc.
For example, there's no real choke to the expansion, so there is no possibility of a wallin for Terran or Protoss (which is crucial for various matchups in preserving strategic possibilities, else you are just pigeon-holing players into playing 1base games every game, which is boring).
The mineral formations in general are bad, take a look at most maps that are out there. In the end, if you really want to make a fully fleshed map you will have to deal with fixing mining bugs, etc.
That's all I will say for now. I suggest standardizing your map, maybe starting with a new one?
modified by Rickv100491
Opinions for this newer version are highly accepted, although, someone did point out that the gas placement in the naturals could go different... but doing that... well there's a huge open area in them... still wondering about it... what you guys think???
why are the mains and nats asymmetrical?
So basically ice is considered subground?
and I'm making a medium ground against low ground map?? the rule of high ground vs low ground still applies in the map if I only work with medium low and sub ground?¿
Edit: Nevermind, Ice to Low ground, is still considered Low ground for both. modified by Rickv100491
New version of the map is up..
edits done:
-Remade the main and Naturals.
-Remade the expansions.
-Made it less cramped.
And still gotta fix a lot of things.. to make it look less big I guess. modified by Rickv100491
Unlike the rest of these folk I know you well enough to not waste a lot of time trying to be helpful.
Map is still extremely ill formed. When you create a natural you need to make sure it is A. comforable, B. has a choke supporting common wall-ins, and C. is the correct size for being a natural. Your nats do none of these things. This is in addition to the mains being quite small.
In addition the map is ungodly tight with single ramps all over the place.
You did yourself no favors using ice as it creates a lot of potential problems. You even forgot a ramp across from the top natural.
Either try harder or knock it off Rick. You've been at this long enough to know better.
shh, shh, read the posts man, shhh, I said there's still a lot of things to fix, you and chobo seriously seriously need to read the posts, I wrote, there's still "a lot of things to fix", so shhh... until it's done, I haven't put it on beta nor I haven't say it's done, in it's total form *yawn*.
Interesting Ice ramp.. and IT WORKS!! IT WOOOOOOOOORKS!!!! :V
modified by Rickv100491
heheeh, hopefully you guys like the new version? anything to improve on it, please do tell me...
Modifications done:
-Remade basically the map.
-Made middle wide open so there's enough room for fighting.
-Naturals and Main are closer making the worker transfer faster, dunno if fast enough.
-Made ramps, hopefully they aren't too ugly or blocky and ppl like them.
-Expansions at 3 and 9 o'clock gas works perfectly, tested and functional.
That's it, give your judgement. modified by Rickv100491
Ppl told you it's bad but you still continuing to make those lowground gases? Lol.
The gases are life ... and they are not broken, they actually work quite fine... and they are only in 2 expansions nothing more *yawn*, so I don't think there's a problem with them, those 2 gases are my "style" the "RICKV" style, ahahahah thing is they work you can get gas normally so I don't know.. why not use it... *shrug*.. modified by Rickv100491
New Modifications done (8/01/2018):
-Naturals Entrances fixed.
-Middle Wide open for better mobility.
-expansions entrance re arranged so they are in center.
of each expansion.
-Height difference taken into account.
-Pathing of units taken into account.
-Middle ramps entrances wide and shorter.
modified by Rickv100491
Word of advice: anything with a ton of tile spam looks ugly. Talking about the ramps. Try to make them blend better at least, even if the alternative is blockier.
Yeah but the blockiness looks too bad even in gameplay... tested the ramps in a normal game ... and been honest like this they look better...
although the advice is noted.
New Modifications done (11/01/2018):
-Mineral re-arrangement in third expansion
making the wall in closer to the central building
-Expansions in center re-arrangement making a
"second" third entrance so there's a "kinda" backdoor
for entrance or exit to middle.
-Made only one "BIG AS IN REALLY BIG!" middle ramp for
middle fight.. still thinking if maybe I should add
some resources there... or just leave it wide open.
-Re-arranged mains minerals so the main base doesn't look
too cramped... although mains are still somehow little.
Hey guys can you help me out please??? I'm having my doubts in the wall in of both these naturals... I mean the ridges are closer there's only 2 barracks space... which is the standard for a wall in.. and can build pylons and normal things (barracks,hatch, gateway) you know the deal, thing is.... as you can see the tanks are getting closer to be in range of the working units... and I need to move the minerals 1 more space up and down respectively so the creep gets closer to the choke point... thing is... should I do it?? , because when I do it I make it so that the units get even closer to the working units sight and a tank can siege them without troubles...?? Here are both pics....
Top Natural:
Bottom Natural:
Edit: Nevermind I did it.. hopefully it is more balanced now.. gotta run some game tests on it to be sure. modified by Rickv100491
New Modifications done (21/01/2018):
-Taken into account pathing of units.
-Remade High ground to ice ramp in 4 0'clock expansion.
-Remade expansions at 3 // 9 o'clock.
-Remade Middle, making it less straight and more Shuriken like.
Modifications done (01/02/2018):
-Open middle.
-added 2 more expansions.
-Reposition of minerals in mains and nats,
same with gas, considering mining rates.
-Repostion of Resources in expansions.
-Open middle.
-added 2 more expansions.
Good, map is much better now.
Thanks Jukado, coming that from any of you guys is very much appreciated :3.
Modifications done (06/02/20018):
-V 0.16
-Reorganized mineral lines taking into account
pathing of workers, hopefully optimizing mineral
gathering rate in each base, tested each and every mining base.
-Reorganized geysers, hopefully optimizing
gas gathering rate in each base, tested each geyser in each expansion.
I don't know if there's actually anything new I could try on the map.. to be honest, I like how it looks like right now, gonna finish remaking rock settlement I guess. modified by Rickv100491
Modifications done:
-Remade basically the map.
-Made middle wide open so there's enough room for fighting.
-Naturals and Main are closer making the worker transfer faster, dunno if fast enough.
-Made ramps, hopefully they aren't too ugly or blocky and ppl like them.
-Expansions at 3 and 9 o'clock gas works perfectly, tested and functional.
New Modifications done (21/01/2018):
-Taken into account pathing of units.
-Remade High ground to ice ramp in 5 0'clock expansion.
-Remade expansions at 3 // 9 o'clock.
-Remade Middle, making it less straight and more Shuriken like.
Modifications done (01/02/2018):
-Open middle.
-added 2 more expansions.
-Reposition of minerals in mains and nats,
same with gas, considering mining rates.
-Repostion of Resources in expansions.
Modifications done (06/02/20018):
-V 0.16
-Reorganized mineral lines taking into account
pathing of workers, hopefully optimizing mineral
gathering rate in each base, tested each and every mining base.
-Reorganized geysers, hopefully optimizing
gas gathering rate in each base, tested each geyser in each expansion.
modified by Rickv100491
modified by Rickv100491
modified by Rickv100491
Aesthetically speaking, there are soooo many straight lines. Can you try to emulate most maps that are out there?
Have you watched professional starcrat? Have you played on any pro maps? They might not be the standard for the best maps, but they at least aren't terribly ugly, in fact, some of them are quite pleasing to the eye. Get rid of the straight lines, and try to implement a concept that uses natural-looking cliff edges.
That's just the looks of the map, but I assure you, players take notice of this.
Also, there's some random misplaced doodads here and there, leaving blocky terrain. Get rid of those.
The concept and execution of your map is just awkward. They are both lacking, so it is quite difficult to pinpoint which one is at fault for compromising gameplay. When I mean compromised gameplay, I mean imbalances, but also players will be really uncomfortable because the map abandons so many characteristics of an "orthodox" or "standard" map. Player reactions will generally be "wtf" when they see that they don't even have a good possibility to fast expand, the base has a weird backdoor that causes path-issues, no clear natural expansion, etc.
For example, there's no real choke to the expansion, so there is no possibility of a wallin for Terran or Protoss (which is crucial for various matchups in preserving strategic possibilities, else you are just pigeon-holing players into playing 1base games every game, which is boring).
The mineral formations in general are bad, take a look at most maps that are out there. In the end, if you really want to make a fully fleshed map you will have to deal with fixing mining bugs, etc.
That's all I will say for now. I suggest standardizing your map, maybe starting with a new one?
modified by Rickv100491
and I'm making a medium ground against low ground map?? the rule of high ground vs low ground still applies in the map if I only work with medium low and sub ground?¿
Edit: Nevermind, Ice to Low ground, is still considered Low ground for both.
modified by Rickv100491
edits done:
-Remade the main and Naturals.
-Remade the expansions.
-Made it less cramped.
And still gotta fix a lot of things.. to make it look less big I guess.
modified by Rickv100491
Map is still extremely ill formed. When you create a natural you need to make sure it is A. comforable, B. has a choke supporting common wall-ins, and C. is the correct size for being a natural. Your nats do none of these things. This is in addition to the mains being quite small.
In addition the map is ungodly tight with single ramps all over the place.
You did yourself no favors using ice as it creates a lot of potential problems. You even forgot a ramp across from the top natural.
Either try harder or knock it off Rick. You've been at this long enough to know better.
Interesting Ice ramp.. and IT WORKS!! IT WOOOOOOOOORKS!!!! :V
modified by Rickv100491
heheeh, hopefully you guys like the new version? anything to improve on it, please do tell me...
Modifications done:
-Remade basically the map.
-Made middle wide open so there's enough room for fighting.
-Naturals and Main are closer making the worker transfer faster, dunno if fast enough.
-Made ramps, hopefully they aren't too ugly or blocky and ppl like them.
-Expansions at 3 and 9 o'clock gas works perfectly, tested and functional.
That's it, give your judgement.
modified by Rickv100491
modified by Rickv100491
-Naturals Entrances fixed.
-Middle Wide open for better mobility.
-expansions entrance re arranged so they are in center.
of each expansion.
-Height difference taken into account.
-Pathing of units taken into account.
-Middle ramps entrances wide and shorter.
modified by Rickv100491
although the advice is noted.
-Mineral re-arrangement in third expansion
making the wall in closer to the central building
-Expansions in center re-arrangement making a
"second" third entrance so there's a "kinda" backdoor
for entrance or exit to middle.
-Made only one "BIG AS IN REALLY BIG!" middle ramp for
middle fight.. still thinking if maybe I should add
some resources there... or just leave it wide open.
-Re-arranged mains minerals so the main base doesn't look
too cramped... although mains are still somehow little.
Top Natural:
Bottom Natural:
Edit: Nevermind I did it.. hopefully it is more balanced now.. gotta run some game tests on it to be sure.
modified by Rickv100491
-Taken into account pathing of units.
-Remade High ground to ice ramp in 4 0'clock expansion.
-Remade expansions at 3 // 9 o'clock.
-Remade Middle, making it less straight and more Shuriken like.
-Open middle.
-added 2 more expansions.
-Reposition of minerals in mains and nats,
same with gas, considering mining rates.
-Repostion of Resources in expansions.
-added 2 more expansions.
Good, map is much better now.
Modifications done (06/02/20018):
-V 0.16
-Reorganized mineral lines taking into account
pathing of workers, hopefully optimizing mineral
gathering rate in each base, tested each and every mining base.
-Reorganized geysers, hopefully optimizing
gas gathering rate in each base, tested each geyser in each expansion.
I don't know if there's actually anything new I could try on the map.. to be honest, I like how it looks like right now, gonna finish remaking rock settlement I guess.
modified by Rickv100491