19th May 2017
Version 0.91 Clay Fields
-Asphalt centre
31st October 2017
Version 0.92 Clay Fields
-Added 3rds, closer to natural and with single ramp. 3 pylon wallable.
Siege tanks cannot hit the townhall (or comsat scanner) from the low ground unless standing right next to the ramp.
-Added unbuildable centre hill.
-3/9 o clock ramps can now be traversed by ground units without having to kill the eggs first. (there are still 2 eggs on each ramp but they only make the ramp thinner rather than block units).
3/9 o clock ramps can be walled by 2 pylons diagonally, or 3 pylons fully.
-Can wall the path between the 3rd and the hill with 3 depots/pylons.
7th November 2017
Version 0.93 Clay Fields
-Moved start location in top right main
-Changed mineral formation in bottom right main
-Unwalkable tiles next to inverted ramps at 3rds
8th January 2018
Updated Observer version to have blacked out mains for players. This is still labelled as version 0.93 because the melee version and the map itself is unchanged.
31st January 2018
Version 1.0 Clay Fields
-Improved rocky ground deco.
-Added 2 buildable tiles to the north nats, allowing an extra cannon.
-Added 1 unbuildable tile to the north nats, preventing bunker behind the mineral line possibility.
-Added a few buildable tiles on the path to 3rd, giving some extra walling options with depots etc.
-Minor deco.
8th May 2018
Version 1.1 Clay Fields
-Added centre expo (6 patches @2000 minerals)
-Walling the path to 3rd; the thin low ground path closest to the natural entrance can be blocked with 1 rax, 1 ebay.
-Moved the 2 bottom start locations down, allowing different building layout options. 3 factories with machine shops and space left over for turrets against recall for example.
-Buildable space added behind natural mineral lines; space for 2 turrets or spores etc. Can also be used for offensive cannons in PvZ for example.
-Tiny bit more buildable space on edge of mains.
-Various decoration tweaks.
30th May 2019
Version 1.2 Clay Fields
-Buildable tile added at bottom nats allowing easy gateway placement for PvZ.
-Unbuildable tile added at top nats to prevent offensive bunker placement next to gas.
-Unwalkable tiles at nat entrances allowing additional walling options.
This map was released as a pair alongside another map called Redheart Bridge which is for 3v3. (6)Redheart Bridge
What is the reason for the eggs?
Other than that looks pretty standard.
Im thinking the eggs limit protoss in PvT if Terran goes 14cc or some other type of fast expand and protoss would like to double expand before observers.
Really like this one actually!
I'm also unsure about the eggs, however. I'd remove them.
Also not really a fan of the rocks all over the middle and would rather see something done with asphalt/buildings, but that's getting really into personal taste.
Yeah now that I think about it I think some asphalt design in the middle would be cool. I think you can make it unbuildable as well
Sick map! More FS clone!
@JungleTerrain Yes the eggs do make Protoss either need to get an air unit or to kill an egg with units first.
You can kill an egg pretty easily with units though. (killing 1 egg allows a probe up).
Its also offset by the difficulty of taking a 3rd for terran.
Crucially, Protoss can use a management style to beat Terran just fine in my opinion.
Thanks joust85/outscar.
I think the eggs make for some fun in ZvT particularly so Im going to keep them in for now.
Protoss might find the eggs help them hold a 3rd base a bit easier in PvZ too, which Id be fine with.
The eggs just mix things up a teeny bit, which I think I would like to preserve right now.
Yeah asphalt mid would look a bit more expert.
Lurkers get much harder to see on black which many dont like.
Would end up with more buildable space on the edges too in straight lines, which I dont really want.
(competing with circuit breaker on aesthetics here so I guess its not too too bad, but thats not a good reason).
I think the grass splodges do break it up, especially ingame but maybe will do.
Could do a nice plus '+' sign shape to accentuate the base layout. modified by Jukado
I see the bump on the tl thread about submitting maps for the ASL. CrystalDrag and JungleTerrain have got accounts for it already. Would one of you guys be up for posting for me? I think Crystal doesnt check tl much so Im posting here instead.
Yeah. So I can make an account and email for you under the name "Jukado" if you want. Then I just need you to give me the translations for the description and send any images you want me to put up. I'll send you my email on TL vía PM
Thats really cool of you, thanks for offering. I have done an update to this map but not uploaded it yet.
I resource debugged again but one of the nats was refusing to work. Eventually I had to add a skeleton doodad, and I havent re-checked all the other bases since adding it. So Ill do that next.
What size images did you use?
Have you tried my method of progressive cliff editing yet to fix mining bugs cleanly?
I think I just used the same size as the ones as this site. 768x768, but PNG for the slightly better resolution.
Freakling, yeah I used that technique earlier, a good tool.
I tried a few things for this update but eventually adding the skeletons seemed good so Ive gone with that.
JungleTerrain, ah I have made them 1024x1024, probably will be ok. I will upload everything then email you.
19th May 2017
Version 0.91 Clay Fields
-Asphalt centre
ok email sent to JungleTerrain with pictures attached.
Was having some problems with the verification of the Afreeca account but I got it figured out (i forgot to do something...)
I'll have this uploaded on afreeca soon.
EDIT: for some reason afreeca is giving me problems with the images, saying they exceed the limit when they clearly don't. I resized some of them to 85% of their original dimensions if that's okay with you. This happened with Freakling's images too. modified by JungleTerrain
Here ya go! Also check your email, sent you your account information in case you want to make changes.
That is some phenomenal work. I appreciate just how much of a headache it must have been navigating the site and making accounts etc.
Ah you should have asked me to resize all the images rather than taking on additional work, but it is all done now and it looks great.
This will not be forgotten, thankyou.
It actually didn't take that long, and resizing images is quick.
No problem.
You seem to like just replacing cliff edges with buildable ground to facilitate easy wallins.
Here is why you should not do this: Insufficient high ground buffer leading to wallin buildings being visible (and hence attackable) from the low ground:
EDIT: That is actually from Crown&Cepter, not from this map... modified by Freakling
I don't know why... but this one is giving me the feel of Fighting Spirit.. although seen in an inverted way... that's just me talking of course. modified by Rickv100491
Crown and Sceptre is closer to FS than this map.
@Freakling, no that area was done by hand, I didnt just throw some buildable tiles over the top.
You are right that I didnt place enough high ground there to stop vision fully, thanks for making the gif.
dont poopy neg the tacos are always tuesday romp night. If the fallets are ding dongs then the chinese are wing wongs. Pee Poo Tie Mai Shoo
31st October 2017
Version 0.92 Clay Fields
-Added 3rds, closer to natural and with single ramp. 3 pylon wallable.
Siege tanks cannot hit the townhall (or comsat scanner) from the low ground unless standing right next to the ramp.
-Added unbuildable centre hill.
-3/9 o clock ramps can now be traversed by ground units without having to kill the eggs first. (there are still 2 eggs on each ramp but they only make the ramp thinner rather than block units).
3/9 o clock ramps can be walled by 2 pylons diagonally, or 3 pylons fully.
-Can wall the path between the 3rd and the hill with 3 depots/pylons.
Happy Halloween :)
Version 0.93
modified by Jukado
7th November 2017
Version 0.93 Clay Fields
-Moved start location in top right main
-Changed mineral formation in bottom right main
-Unwalkable tiles next to inverted ramps at 3rds
Previously I had moved the top right main start location away from its original intended spot to improve mining in an older version, but it became possible to move it back.
The bottom right main mineral line had 1 mineral patch that was slow for terran. Its taken 14 hours or testing to find something thats better, groan. I was trying all sorts of tricks and combinations of them; changing unwalkable tiles to move the pathing nodes, adding unwalkable doodads in a more aggressive manner right near the mineral formation, moving the start location and changing the shape of the formation into more and more exotic shapes, putting unwalkable tiles directly under a mineral patch again to try and shift the pathing nodes. Every time it seemed the troublesome patch had corrected, a different patch became poor instead.
The current set up may look like a fairly obvious solution that you would test quite early on, but unfortunately I didnt. It doesnt have a gap in the mineral formation like the other mains but thats minor.
The method of putting an unwalkable tile directly under a mineral patch is something that has potential for more use, although it didnt help this time.
The bottom right nat has a mineral patch that could be improved for terran, I havent fully looked into it yet, just wanted to get this version out anyway with the improved mains.
edit: updated picture modified by Jukado
This is very nice work.
Its not rotational and therefore not overly complicated, but that's fine. I see a lot of map makers push way too far way too fast in terms of trying concepts that are way too advanced for them. This is a solid attempt that really solidifies the basics, and is a great exercise in practicing execution of the idea, which is still one of my weakest areas, and I've been doing this for years. :P
Looking forward to seeing this 100% as well as further projects from you.
After removing the additional ramps from the top/bottom thirds the low ground outcrops at 6/12 o'clock look like some weird appendices without any real function now. With that free space you could move the expansion towards each other to get them out of tank range from the mains.
Thanks Excalibur.
Freakling, I agree those spots are a bit weird. I was experimenting with options. The almost perfect option was to push the 3rds into the mains more, which would make the mains smaller but giving a bigger gap between the 3rds. But I decided on these slightly bigger mains had a bit more priority.
I tried putting more cliff between the 3rds but ended up with this walkable space because I think its good for gameplay primarily if goliaths are able to walk there vs carriers. The space can also be used by ground armies wanting to form a large arc (or for some flanking units) for surrounds. Its a bit awkward for that but I think I have made the space big enough to be used that way, and therefore poses a threat.
Your idea of moving the 3rds closer to each other is good in some ways, would look better too. My concern again though would be the air gap between them being so small that particularly carriers can bounce across too powerfully.
But also the effective ground distance between the bases would probably end up being shorter and tighter as well which could make left vs right spawns less enjoyable, less reaction time/options to prevent pushes.
I actually quite like terran being able to do a tank drop vs these bases though eg if it was top vs bottom spawns, terran can slow mining at the protoss 4th base which is fine by me. If it was a map split scenario I dont think its problematic. The situation would be a left vs right map split. Zerg/Protoss have access to 7 bases already, and terran would be denying their 8th base by placing tanks in the terrans new main. Well its quite easy for z/p to go up to 7 bases here (when left vs right spawns), and they are all full resource expansions giving plenty of power for z/p to get something done. So Im ok with that aspect of it.
Im without internet for a week or so, see you later.
8th January 2018
Updated Observer version to have blacked out mains for players. This is still labelled as version 0.93 because the melee version and the map itself is unchanged.
31st January 2018
Version 1.0 Clay Fields
-Improved rocky ground deco.
-Added 2 buildable tiles to the north nats, allowing an extra cannon.
-Added 1 unbuildable tile to the north nats, preventing bunker behind the mineral line possibility.
-Added a few buildable tiles on the path to 3rd, giving some extra walling options with depots etc.
-Minor deco.
8th May 2018
Version 1.1 Clay Fields
-Added centre expo (6 patches @2000 minerals)
-Walling the path to 3rd; the thin low ground path closest to the natural entrance can be blocked with 1 rax, 1 ebay.
-Moved the 2 bottom start locations down, allowing different building layout options. 3 factories with machine shops and space left over for turrets against recall for example.
-Buildable space added behind natural mineral lines; space for 2 turrets or spores etc. Can also be used for offensive cannons in PvZ for example.
-Tiny bit more buildable space on edge of mains.
-Various decoration tweaks.
Just letting you guys know that the site could probably be a bit more secure - Someone Else modified by
30th May 2019
Version 1.2 Clay Fields
-Buildable tile added at bottom nats allowing easy gateway placement for PvZ.
-Unbuildable tile added at top nats to prevent offensive bunker placement next to gas.
-Unwalkable tiles at nat entrances allowing additional walling options.
There is also a "no fog" version available here:
(4)Clay Fields1p2(o)no fog.scm click here to download
27th April 2017
Version 0.9 Clay Fields
19th May 2017
Version 0.91 Clay Fields
-Asphalt centre
31st October 2017
Version 0.92 Clay Fields
-Added 3rds, closer to natural and with single ramp. 3 pylon wallable.
Siege tanks cannot hit the townhall (or comsat scanner) from the low ground unless standing right next to the ramp.
-Added unbuildable centre hill.
-3/9 o clock ramps can now be traversed by ground units without having to kill the eggs first. (there are still 2 eggs on each ramp but they only make the ramp thinner rather than block units).
3/9 o clock ramps can be walled by 2 pylons diagonally, or 3 pylons fully.
-Can wall the path between the 3rd and the hill with 3 depots/pylons.
7th November 2017
Version 0.93 Clay Fields
-Moved start location in top right main
-Changed mineral formation in bottom right main
-Unwalkable tiles next to inverted ramps at 3rds
8th January 2018
Updated Observer version to have blacked out mains for players. This is still labelled as version 0.93 because the melee version and the map itself is unchanged.
31st January 2018
Version 1.0 Clay Fields
-Improved rocky ground deco.
-Added 2 buildable tiles to the north nats, allowing an extra cannon.
-Added 1 unbuildable tile to the north nats, preventing bunker behind the mineral line possibility.
-Added a few buildable tiles on the path to 3rd, giving some extra walling options with depots etc.
-Minor deco.
8th May 2018
Version 1.1 Clay Fields
-Added centre expo (6 patches @2000 minerals)
-Walling the path to 3rd; the thin low ground path closest to the natural entrance can be blocked with 1 rax, 1 ebay.
-Moved the 2 bottom start locations down, allowing different building layout options. 3 factories with machine shops and space left over for turrets against recall for example.
-Buildable space added behind natural mineral lines; space for 2 turrets or spores etc. Can also be used for offensive cannons in PvZ for example.
-Tiny bit more buildable space on edge of mains.
-Various decoration tweaks.
30th May 2019
Version 1.2 Clay Fields
-Buildable tile added at bottom nats allowing easy gateway placement for PvZ.
-Unbuildable tile added at top nats to prevent offensive bunker placement next to gas.
-Unwalkable tiles at nat entrances allowing additional walling options.
This map was released as a pair alongside another map called Redheart Bridge which is for 3v3.
(6)Redheart Bridge
Summer Update 2019 tl thread
Outdated summer update tl thread
Outdated halloween update tl thread
Outdated original tl thread
modified by Jukado
Other than that looks pretty standard.
Im thinking the eggs limit protoss in PvT if Terran goes 14cc or some other type of fast expand and protoss would like to double expand before observers.
I'm also unsure about the eggs, however. I'd remove them.
Also not really a fan of the rocks all over the middle and would rather see something done with asphalt/buildings, but that's getting really into personal taste.
You can kill an egg pretty easily with units though. (killing 1 egg allows a probe up).
Its also offset by the difficulty of taking a 3rd for terran.
Crucially, Protoss can use a management style to beat Terran just fine in my opinion.
Thanks joust85/outscar.
I think the eggs make for some fun in ZvT particularly so Im going to keep them in for now.
Protoss might find the eggs help them hold a 3rd base a bit easier in PvZ too, which Id be fine with.
The eggs just mix things up a teeny bit, which I think I would like to preserve right now.
Yeah asphalt mid would look a bit more expert.
Lurkers get much harder to see on black which many dont like.
Would end up with more buildable space on the edges too in straight lines, which I dont really want.
(competing with circuit breaker on aesthetics here so I guess its not too too bad, but thats not a good reason).
I think the grass splodges do break it up, especially ingame but maybe will do.
Could do a nice plus '+' sign shape to accentuate the base layout.
modified by Jukado
I resource debugged again but one of the nats was refusing to work. Eventually I had to add a skeleton doodad, and I havent re-checked all the other bases since adding it. So Ill do that next.
What size images did you use?
I tried a few things for this update but eventually adding the skeletons seemed good so Ive gone with that.
JungleTerrain, ah I have made them 1024x1024, probably will be ok. I will upload everything then email you.
19th May 2017
Version 0.91 Clay Fields
-Asphalt centre
I'll have this uploaded on afreeca soon.
EDIT: for some reason afreeca is giving me problems with the images, saying they exceed the limit when they clearly don't. I resized some of them to 85% of their original dimensions if that's okay with you. This happened with Freakling's images too.
modified by JungleTerrain
Clay Fields Afreeca Submission page
Crown and Sceptre Afreeca Submission page
modified by JungleTerrain
Ah you should have asked me to resize all the images rather than taking on additional work, but it is all done now and it looks great.
This will not be forgotten, thankyou.
No problem.
Here is why you should not do this: Insufficient high ground buffer leading to wallin buildings being visible (and hence attackable) from the low ground:
EDIT: That is actually from Crown&Cepter, not from this map...
modified by Freakling
modified by Rickv100491
You are right that I didnt place enough high ground there to stop vision fully, thanks for making the gif.
Version 0.92 Clay Fields
-Added 3rds, closer to natural and with single ramp. 3 pylon wallable.
Siege tanks cannot hit the townhall (or comsat scanner) from the low ground unless standing right next to the ramp.
-Added unbuildable centre hill.
-3/9 o clock ramps can now be traversed by ground units without having to kill the eggs first. (there are still 2 eggs on each ramp but they only make the ramp thinner rather than block units).
3/9 o clock ramps can be walled by 2 pylons diagonally, or 3 pylons fully.
-Can wall the path between the 3rd and the hill with 3 depots/pylons.
Happy Halloween :)
modified by Jukado
Version 0.93 Clay Fields
-Moved start location in top right main
-Changed mineral formation in bottom right main
-Unwalkable tiles next to inverted ramps at 3rds
Previously I had moved the top right main start location away from its original intended spot to improve mining in an older version, but it became possible to move it back.
The bottom right main mineral line had 1 mineral patch that was slow for terran. Its taken 14 hours or testing to find something thats better, groan. I was trying all sorts of tricks and combinations of them; changing unwalkable tiles to move the pathing nodes, adding unwalkable doodads in a more aggressive manner right near the mineral formation, moving the start location and changing the shape of the formation into more and more exotic shapes, putting unwalkable tiles directly under a mineral patch again to try and shift the pathing nodes. Every time it seemed the troublesome patch had corrected, a different patch became poor instead.
The current set up may look like a fairly obvious solution that you would test quite early on, but unfortunately I didnt. It doesnt have a gap in the mineral formation like the other mains but thats minor.
The method of putting an unwalkable tile directly under a mineral patch is something that has potential for more use, although it didnt help this time.
The bottom right nat has a mineral patch that could be improved for terran, I havent fully looked into it yet, just wanted to get this version out anyway with the improved mains.
edit: updated picture
modified by Jukado
Its not rotational and therefore not overly complicated, but that's fine. I see a lot of map makers push way too far way too fast in terms of trying concepts that are way too advanced for them. This is a solid attempt that really solidifies the basics, and is a great exercise in practicing execution of the idea, which is still one of my weakest areas, and I've been doing this for years. :P
Looking forward to seeing this 100% as well as further projects from you.
Freakling, I agree those spots are a bit weird. I was experimenting with options. The almost perfect option was to push the 3rds into the mains more, which would make the mains smaller but giving a bigger gap between the 3rds. But I decided on these slightly bigger mains had a bit more priority.
I tried putting more cliff between the 3rds but ended up with this walkable space because I think its good for gameplay primarily if goliaths are able to walk there vs carriers. The space can also be used by ground armies wanting to form a large arc (or for some flanking units) for surrounds. Its a bit awkward for that but I think I have made the space big enough to be used that way, and therefore poses a threat.
Your idea of moving the 3rds closer to each other is good in some ways, would look better too. My concern again though would be the air gap between them being so small that particularly carriers can bounce across too powerfully.
But also the effective ground distance between the bases would probably end up being shorter and tighter as well which could make left vs right spawns less enjoyable, less reaction time/options to prevent pushes.
I actually quite like terran being able to do a tank drop vs these bases though eg if it was top vs bottom spawns, terran can slow mining at the protoss 4th base which is fine by me. If it was a map split scenario I dont think its problematic. The situation would be a left vs right map split. Zerg/Protoss have access to 7 bases already, and terran would be denying their 8th base by placing tanks in the terrans new main. Well its quite easy for z/p to go up to 7 bases here (when left vs right spawns), and they are all full resource expansions giving plenty of power for z/p to get something done. So Im ok with that aspect of it.
Im without internet for a week or so, see you later.
Updated Observer version to have blacked out mains for players. This is still labelled as version 0.93 because the melee version and the map itself is unchanged.
Version 1.0 Clay Fields
-Improved rocky ground deco.
-Added 2 buildable tiles to the north nats, allowing an extra cannon.
-Added 1 unbuildable tile to the north nats, preventing bunker behind the mineral line possibility.
-Added a few buildable tiles on the path to 3rd, giving some extra walling options with depots etc.
-Minor deco.
There is also a "no fog" version available here:
(4)Clay Fields1p0(o)no fog.scm click here to download
Version 1.1 Clay Fields
-Added centre expo (6 patches @2000 minerals)
-Walling the path to 3rd; the thin low ground path closest to the natural entrance can be blocked with 1 rax, 1 ebay.
-Moved the 2 bottom start locations down, allowing different building layout options. 3 factories with machine shops and space left over for turrets against recall for example.
-Buildable space added behind natural mineral lines; space for 2 turrets or spores etc. Can also be used for offensive cannons in PvZ for example.
-Tiny bit more buildable space on edge of mains.
-Various decoration tweaks.
There is also a "no fog" version available here:
(4)Clay Fields1p1(o)no fog.scm click here to download
modified by Jukado
13th May 2018
Just letting you guys know that the site could probably be a bit more secure
- Someone Else
modified by
Version 1.2 Clay Fields
-Buildable tile added at bottom nats allowing easy gateway placement for PvZ.
-Unbuildable tile added at top nats to prevent offensive bunker placement next to gas.
-Unwalkable tiles at nat entrances allowing additional walling options.
There is also a "no fog" version available here:
(4)Clay Fields1p2(o)no fog.scm click here to download