Map ID: #491

Author: SummerSky
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2005, 11, 17 14:56

Comments (6)
Double gas expo seems a bit extreme imo, other than that i believe this map offers a modest amount of strategical possibillities. Seems just very nice
Ah, amount of resouce of sunken ground expansion is.. 1000mineral and 1000gas
my suggestion, make 1500 minerals in sunken ground, remove ramp leading to behind natrual exp
place a ramp facing towards middle and remove mineral only
imo this map has too much money close to main, its like r-point but the other player cant compensate by massexping vs a turtling terran
Again, very good looking map. Just like for travin, Starparty and trcc, the mapeditor seems to be your best friend :)

I actually like the map as it is now (from the minimap, I did not play it yet)

I also did not play it yet, i have to study most of my free time... In Korea, parents think joinning in univ is most important for students.
Same as the other part of the world :)