(8)Demon Edge
Map ID: #4923

Author: Excalibur and Dem0n
Map Size: other
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2017, 05, 13 14:47

Comments (6)
Damn you Excalibur! Lol
For what? :P
You have been busy. How long have you been stockpiling these?!
I make new NHFFA maps weekly. We're up to about ~50. These were the ones I felt were worthy of uploading. I also did a lot of edited Blizz maps for nostalgia sake.
modified by Excalibur
Excalibur, I played on one of your UMS maps the other day on Bnet. It was like empires or something like that. Starting in Bronze Age, then iron then gold. It was fun but the game lasted too long and I had to leave. But man, there is such an attention to detail in that map. Was really cool
Thanks Jungle. The map is Rise of Empires. I'm surprised anyone hosted it since I usually am the only one that does. Yes its a very long and in-depth game but thats what I set out to make as I don't find the standard diplo/civ games sophisticated enough for my liking.