(2)Litte Desert
Map ID: #4941

Author: RickV
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2017, 06, 06 07:40

Comments (5)
A little part of the earth...
where only 1 can prevail...
Are you the one able to do it?

About the map:
-64*64 map
-1v1 map

New 1v1 map I came up with long ago... was still modifying it.
Any bugs or fixes point them out please.

Added an observer version of the map.

Added walls from start to give both players a more acceptable chance of trying to win any level.
modified by Rickv100491
I suggest making some average sized maps for 1v1, there's really not much to be said about small maps and nobody will play them super seriously
notion taken these ones are practices I came up with while trying to make balanced maps for 1v1 and 2v2 which I think.. dunno if it is... that I've gotten better at... right now gonna start working on modifying the 2 1v1 2v2 maps I have here.. there's a lot to change on them and thanks to Natural rules and ring civilization and little desert I can see the improvements I will make on rock campment and Natural Rules II so thanks and no worries... just been really busy with work... I get home really really tired but map making helps to alleviate some of the things... yeah..
Funny because although I enjoy making maps I actually will not even touch SCMDraft if I am tired from work. I will just lay in my bed and watch some YouTube. Probably the reason why I'm so slow at making progress with the rest of my maps...
Everyone have their own way of relaxing, mine is as you said watching youtube or mapmaking, because with some music and mapmaking man the maps go full boom and what not so yeah *shrug*.