the terrain btwn high ruins&high jungle and 6 minerals 1geyser is pointed out by tree doodads sprites, and from there the ground level is same as the dirt level. modified by zladldduzld
First I'm sorry for my poor english ...
I'd be glad if I can get some advices about
: resources - I think the 6 minerals 1geyser expansion is somewhat meaningless, but hmm... I feel just removing it is not good.
: tan colored main's 1st expansion - because of the high temple terrain's lower part(?), blocking the pathway by buldings such as Gateway is impossible. I couldn't find good tileset to resolve this problem. Should I place a neutral zerg egg there?
Hi! I like the map, looks cool yo. And your English is fine.
I thought at first that those were tree doodads blocking the ramp but they are just sprites. Some parts blocking vision are not exact to where the sprites are placed so I can see them being slightly confusing during a game.
Also you can build on the tree sprites lol. Another thing you can do is place some unbuildable tiles (Say ruins for example) to make a visual as to where the low line of sight ends.
Your ramps are bugged. Do you have the newest version of SCMDraft? If not, you can get it HERE. It allows you to see height levels on tiles, so on the left side just go to Microtile Overlay --> Height, and plug up the holes with ramp tiles that correspond to their surrounding height levels.
As for being unable to make a tight wall alongside the bottom of the temple wall, you can definitely add a neutral egg but you might want to do that on all positions to maintain symmetry. An example of this is (4)Fortress.
Another thing you can do is look for a specific tile in the index that has the same properties but has more unbuildable microtiles on the bottom to make it tight, with say, a gateway.
Some of the good ones (visually speaking) can be found among doodad tiles. I'm a bit lazy in providing a picture for them though...
The thirds look a bit cramped and awkward, although maybe it looks better in-game. You have the gas next to the ramp, is that on purpose to facilitate walls? If so, it is asymmetrical, e.g. comparing 12 to 3 o'clock.
I think it would be better to move the gas at the thirds (when I say thirds I mean the high ground expo) to the other side on every position.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you should consider moving the main-natural choke a bit more inwards away from the natural expansion's choke so that run-bys are not as easy.
JungleTerrain // reeeeally thanks a lot :D
I didn't know that the newest version of SCMDraft was released. I'll try to be used to using that tool and debug ramp height level error(also place the position of the tree doodads sprites more accurately).
Maybe using a proper tile would be more intuitively comprehensible to players than using zerg egg..
I'll rearrange the 3rd expansion's geyser position and the main-natural entrance as you said.
The best way to go about the height transition would be to just use a normal ramp. You only need a little strip of jungle to transition smoothly into the temple wall. There are so many ways to transition ramps, High Dirt, bridge terrain and all the different textures of (High) Ruins into each other, I am sure you can come up with a solution that is both good-looking and intuitive for players to read in-game.
why you always pickin on me, aint fucked that bitch since 1983
making some new maps but waiting for Remastered Ramps ... any info about the remastered staredit's release date?
No idea what Blizzard has in store in terms of the editor. It might just be SCMDraft with a Blizzard stamp on it. Anyways, they said they will announce more about it after remastered releases.
Here you can find the most up to date version of SCMDraft (the latest one was released like 2-3 days ago)
Also, the ramps you can make now are actually not that bad, especially on Twilight. Look at some of Freaklings older Twilight maps and you can see a variety of ways ramps can be implemented. With the newer versions of SCMDraft you can check height levels so that they are correct and bug free.
I personally don't think Blizzard is going to make ramps work well enough for what mapmakers' needs are, as in being constricted to a few angles, having height errors, etc. But I am more than happy to be proved wrong.
Btw, looking forward to these new maps!
Also I personally prefer on that Twilight map to have clear ramps to distinguish height differences, a small of now you can't telll where the low ground ends and the high ground begins.
and newer version of Ruins(1.02v)
rearranged; main-nat choke, resources of nat and other expansions
bugged ramp issue; fixed but waiting for the Remastered ramps
bottom of the temple wall; i used some part of the high ruins doodad #10 and #11 ... but afraid that it will seem shoddy in Remastered BW
JT / what a fast response! surprised
thanks for informing the release of the newest SCMD2.. mine was downloaded on 2017.07.21 :P
I'm from S.Korea but almost all community that treated map making is dead.. so thank you for your information and opinion about the Remastered map editor modified by zladldduzld
Lol I was gonna type your name and say "Hey ______" but it is too hard to type out. I'm guessing zladldduzld is your name typed in Korean keyboard? Or no? 킴잉여킹
Yeah I understand what you mean, BW mapmaking sites are rare nowadays, I used to check out intothemap and mapdori frequently, I really liked the maps there but I'm guessing the sites closed down. Did they change site name or have any new mapmaking sites in Korean have come out since SCR's announcement? Curious to know :P
And the map is looking sexy. As I said about the Twilight map I still prefer having a ramp as a clear visual indicator to players as to where the height transition happens (where that low ground expo is). With the grass it's hard for players to see since low grass and high ground grass looks the same.
And yes I am speedy sometimes :)
Feel free to share this site with other fellow mapmakers. It might be an old site but it's better than nothing! modified by JungleTerrain
Are all those geysers full yield?
I just wanted to make a simple 1vs1 map.
Resources :: 9m,1g - 7m,1g - 6m(749),1g(1600) - 7m,1g
the terrain btwn high ruins&high jungle and 6 minerals 1geyser is pointed out by tree doodads sprites, and from there the ground level is same as the dirt level.
modified by zladldduzld
I'd be glad if I can get some advices about
: resources - I think the 6 minerals 1geyser expansion is somewhat meaningless, but hmm... I feel just removing it is not good.
: tan colored main's 1st expansion - because of the high temple terrain's lower part(?), blocking the pathway by buldings such as Gateway is impossible. I couldn't find good tileset to resolve this problem. Should I place a neutral zerg egg there?
I thought at first that those were tree doodads blocking the ramp but they are just sprites. Some parts blocking vision are not exact to where the sprites are placed so I can see them being slightly confusing during a game.
Also you can build on the tree sprites lol. Another thing you can do is place some unbuildable tiles (Say ruins for example) to make a visual as to where the low line of sight ends.
Your ramps are bugged. Do you have the newest version of SCMDraft? If not, you can get it HERE. It allows you to see height levels on tiles, so on the left side just go to Microtile Overlay --> Height, and plug up the holes with ramp tiles that correspond to their surrounding height levels.
As for being unable to make a tight wall alongside the bottom of the temple wall, you can definitely add a neutral egg but you might want to do that on all positions to maintain symmetry. An example of this is (4)Fortress.
Another thing you can do is look for a specific tile in the index that has the same properties but has more unbuildable microtiles on the bottom to make it tight, with say, a gateway.
Some of the good ones (visually speaking) can be found among doodad tiles. I'm a bit lazy in providing a picture for them though...
The thirds look a bit cramped and awkward, although maybe it looks better in-game. You have the gas next to the ramp, is that on purpose to facilitate walls? If so, it is asymmetrical, e.g. comparing 12 to 3 o'clock.
I think it would be better to move the gas at the thirds (when I say thirds I mean the high ground expo) to the other side on every position.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you should consider moving the main-natural choke a bit more inwards away from the natural expansion's choke so that run-bys are not as easy.
I didn't know that the newest version of SCMDraft was released. I'll try to be used to using that tool and debug ramp height level error(also place the position of the tree doodads sprites more accurately).
Maybe using a proper tile would be more intuitively comprehensible to players than using zerg egg..
I'll rearrange the 3rd expansion's geyser position and the main-natural entrance as you said.
making some new maps but waiting for Remastered Ramps ... any info about the remastered staredit's release date?
Here you can find the most up to date version of SCMDraft (the latest one was released like 2-3 days ago)
Also, the ramps you can make now are actually not that bad, especially on Twilight. Look at some of Freaklings older Twilight maps and you can see a variety of ways ramps can be implemented. With the newer versions of SCMDraft you can check height levels so that they are correct and bug free.
I personally don't think Blizzard is going to make ramps work well enough for what mapmakers' needs are, as in being constricted to a few angles, having height errors, etc. But I am more than happy to be proved wrong.
Also I personally prefer on that Twilight map to have clear ramps to distinguish height differences, a small of now you can't telll where the low ground ends and the high ground begins.
rearranged; main-nat choke, resources of nat and other expansions
bugged ramp issue; fixed but waiting for the Remastered ramps
bottom of the temple wall; i used some part of the high ruins doodad #10 and #11 ... but afraid that it will seem shoddy in Remastered BW
thanks for informing the release of the newest SCMD2.. mine was downloaded on 2017.07.21 :P
I'm from S.Korea but almost all community that treated map making is dead.. so thank you for your information and opinion about the Remastered map editor
modified by zladldduzld
Yeah I understand what you mean, BW mapmaking sites are rare nowadays, I used to check out intothemap and mapdori frequently, I really liked the maps there but I'm guessing the sites closed down. Did they change site name or have any new mapmaking sites in Korean have come out since SCR's announcement? Curious to know :P
And the map is looking sexy. As I said about the Twilight map I still prefer having a ramp as a clear visual indicator to players as to where the height transition happens (where that low ground expo is). With the grass it's hard for players to see since low grass and high ground grass looks the same.
And yes I am speedy sometimes :)
Feel free to share this site with other fellow mapmakers. It might be an old site but it's better than nothing!
modified by JungleTerrain