(2)Tunnel Vision
Map ID: #509

Author: Starparty
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 01, 04 11:59

Comments (11)
all the path minerals are set to zero so a workers does not return to base to drop of minerals but will just continue to mine through the path :)

perhaps a new concept, i dont know - but hopefully this will be a funny twist to a otherwise quite ordinary island map.
1 worker should be able to mine about the distance to the 1nat ramp when z wants to expo if you send him directly at start
An idea I also had after panschk's mineral ring. I gave it up. reason? T is overwhelming :[
t is overwhelming on any air map, but where other options might change that?
t ain't "overwhelming" anything. Ever played Forbidden Zone TvP ?

Well one choice is obvious: Make the close gas expo harder to take for T with blocking mineral.

Also the very tight passages there can't be used for any serious ground attacks for sure, which is quite annoying. How about making a big open space where the centre expos is atm?
Hmm.. i think it's absolutely interesting ^^

It should be easy to leave 4 workers on that routes so that they mine their way through, while you try to play the map as an island map on startup.

Really really interesting.

Testgames wanted!!
i mostly figured a few zealots and lings running through, no actual army
This map is crazy man.. good stuff ... very lovely indeed
Sweet idea!
Its kinda weird in-game though :p