(2)Astral Aria
Map ID: #521

Author: Cyanides
Map Size: other
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2009, 07, 31 01:48

Comments (26)
I admit that it's mainly 'for seeing', but I wanted to make it relatively game-favored, or at least gameable...
very cool.

How about having two "moons" in the corners for island expansion?

Are the side paths that lead behind each players natural both walkable?
Well...it's blocked on 'this side', but player can walk all around the corner to reach ^^
I think it would be useful if you put ramps on the basilica on center to have a medium length path to the back of the natural
Wow, great looks. Looks a bit cramped, but good so far.

"moons" would be a good idea, as panschk said.
Hm...but 4 isolated expansions on 1 on 1 map? isn't that too much? :P although it's 192x128...hm...
oh damn, it's 192*128. Why do all maps with art design (remember butterfly lovers?) use unplayble map dimensions.

So my opinion on the map: It doesn't really matter what you do to improve gameplay, this map will not get played, not even by me :[ If you can manage to convert it to 128*128 somehow, it would be great though~
what a tough job...T^T
nah, if you're satisfyed with it as it is, just copy 128x128 of the center in starforge, and paste it as a brush in a new 128x128 squared map :)

ofcourse you will never be ablie to edit the new starfotge version again...
Copy it with SCMdraft2.0, should work fine then.
Anyway, i wouldn't change it at all. It's definetely for the looks. I like it best that way.
If you copy it into SCM Draft, it will register as square terrain, and any editing with ISOM brushes will be crazyness :(
- OMFG, its so friggin' pretty! A+ for that!
- I think we are going to see some very interesting PvZ's on this one

- The nat cliff goes to far down towards the choke. This means heavy tank abuse. Moving it just 5 squares more towards the top, would equal in a tankable nat, but not a tankable choke.
- Is Basicilla even buildable?
- I think the maps is to 'narrow' for P in PvT. Tanks will pwn to much.
- This map MIGHT be to big.

Otherwise this map is friggin' awesome!

- Hans-Titan
Rofl Damn...
random map ftw. looks really great
wow, amazing. Only problem is the size =/
it gets rid of most of the space

i could live with a small minimap on this map.
Hm cool
Hm cool
Really beautiful map, a 4 player version of this with extra islands would be really nice. 9/10
don't bump maps
wasted space? o_O
I don't know why people complain about the size. The top seems a little cluttered with doodads. stick a critter in bottom base. Maybe a couple alternate entrances to center platform.

Mayybe take out a couple of the min+gas expos and put them in orbit! or a drop platform outside of planet.

Very pretty map, I applaud you for your experimentation. Keep it up and you'll find youself making very attractive, strategic maps.
for a moment i thought that it was LasTCursE xD

1:Welcome to BWMN :)
2:Don't bump old maps -.-
1. Thanks
2. I didn't bump. I was giving ideas on maps only on the "Newest Updates" list.

kinos bumped it