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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)Amber 1.0
Map ID: #543
Author: [7x]SpitFire
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 23 14:37
Comments (30)
Only 2 propellers xD
looks good, i'd say there is too much gas and the upper natural can't defend the choke as good as the bottom position
hmm... and imagine a T on bottom position, he seals his bridge, and then the upper bridge with some tanks and has 4 expansions with a bridge to cover and the entrance to his main... easy job ^^
other races have the same option somehow, wonder how it is ingame.
Look the pic now, I deleted one geyser and changed the shape of the red's mainbase.
Also I want to make more space to fight - there is plenty of room without expands.. They are all on the edges of the map. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make this :(
Another problem I see is the position of the corner-expos. They are far away from the combat-zone (if u want), and thus are hard to attack with your troops, because your enemy can strike even harder at your expo(s)...
Imagine in PVZ, a protoss has to keep his units together, but when he's arrived, zerg is kicking his (more worthy) expansions and with only very few units (hyds or s.o. like this)
Well that's strategy. Toss could also attack with only small forces and if zerg uses his whole force to crush it attack another expo from the zerg with his main army.
My main concern would be the same as Listoric's. There are no real neutral expansions if both players take the obvious path.
I dont see that as a problem. My only consern is that the naturals are hard to keep.
the map would imo just be alot betetr if the backdoor mineral wall went *kapoff* and those areas became island expands instead. not close to the corner though, they might be connected to main battle area.
expos located in the main fighting areas are so hard to keep that there is often no point in wasting money trying too. expos are ok imo
I like and dislike Starparty's idea. An island expansion is always improtant on a 2 player map imo, but the mackdoor expansion would be interesting tacticalwise too. You can't be to sure that your enemy is just to contained" to get out of his base, or just expands in his own back instead, i like that.
Well... if you would widen the bridge near enemy just a bit, i'd say it's not that easy to defend. (if you dare to defend there as SP said). The positions of the expansions is very well and i see interesting games here.
When taking 5 expansions with two easier to cover ways, i imagine a mass of units, but you don't have a place near the expos to fight with mass units. _Maybe_ that adds another importance to drops or similar attacks with smaller troops. I could also imagine that.
Map is really good imo. *cough* MOTW sugguestion *cough*
Ok, I will think about making map more open on the edges. While I've been testing this map whit my clanmates, I found out that gas nats near the mains are really hard to defend in ZvT. Gonna make an update soon.
And here it is ^^
Check it out.
There are many updates here.
1. I created a "backdoor" entrance to the gas nat, the edge expansions now seems to be more valuable then before.
2. Changed the distance between mains and nats, resource were replaced.
3. Brigdes were widened.
4. Center is now a little bit open - 9h lower gas expo's room now is equal to 3h's.
great map, good job ! Awesome design
yeah, looks definetly very cool.
No doubt about it being a MOTW-aspirant.
OMG how do you make this big bridges and big clifts?!
Just using the latest version of StarForge.
Full guide how to make them you can find there, in articles.
"174 wrong or misplaced doodads" when you open it with Staredit. Maybe you should do something about that (hello starforge :P) Except that, and the strange looking widened ramp on the right side, the map looks great.
Lol, I have the same in SE, but I usually use SCMDraft or SF, so I don't have any errors :)
From where i can download StarForge and SCMDraft?
Listoric - SCMdraft2.0
But stick to Staredit, its the best tool.
Spitfire, it's nice that you don't have errors, but think about how it looks like for others.
Fix these problems and your maps are going to have a huge chance of getting motw.
But as they are now, it looks like they are bugged or bad created. :/
And what should I do? I don't know how to fix that sux oO Help plz if U know how..
Hmm... just open it with Staredit, save it under an other name. And check the differences. Possibel problems are:
Also check the terrain you edited, like widened ramps/bridges.
As said. Stick to Staredit and switch to SCMdraft very seldom. Starforge (imo) suxx as hell, after it's only use (Copy & Paste) is implented in SCMdraft.
btw I have not found how to use copy&paste in scmdraft. How about a tutorial on this?^^
Ummm the bug was easy to fix oO
I just opened it twice in SE, then added a ramp and gg.
The BackDoor Expos need to be islands or else get rid of the minerals. If a person is gonna do a strat where you expand there first the enemy can't get in. although You can expand there easiy by hopping over the minerals. Plus if zerg takes the expo they HAVE to min the minerals away or half of their unit production is cut off.
other races have the same option somehow, wonder how it is ingame.
Imagine in PVZ, a protoss has to keep his units together, but when he's arrived, zerg is kicking his (more worthy) expansions and with only very few units (hyds or s.o. like this)
My main concern would be the same as Listoric's. There are no real neutral expansions if both players take the obvious path.
expos located in the main fighting areas are so hard to keep that there is often no point in wasting money trying too. expos are ok imo
Well... if you would widen the bridge near enemy just a bit, i'd say it's not that easy to defend. (if you dare to defend there as SP said). The positions of the expansions is very well and i see interesting games here.
When taking 5 expansions with two easier to cover ways, i imagine a mass of units, but you don't have a place near the expos to fight with mass units. _Maybe_ that adds another importance to drops or similar attacks with smaller troops. I could also imagine that.
Map is really good imo. *cough* MOTW sugguestion *cough*
Check it out.
1. I created a "backdoor" entrance to the gas nat, the edge expansions now seems to be more valuable then before.
2. Changed the distance between mains and nats, resource were replaced.
3. Brigdes were widened.
4. Center is now a little bit open - 9h lower gas expo's room now is equal to 3h's.
No doubt about it being a MOTW-aspirant.
Full guide how to make them you can find there, in articles.
From where i can download StarForge and SCMDraft?
But stick to Staredit, its the best tool.
Fix these problems and your maps are going to have a huge chance of getting motw.
But as they are now, it looks like they are bugged or bad created. :/
- wrong placed mineralblocks (staredit delets the wromng ones)
- bridges
- doodads (also ramp doodads)
Also check the terrain you edited, like widened ramps/bridges.
As said. Stick to Staredit and switch to SCMdraft very seldom. Starforge (imo) suxx as hell, after it's only use (Copy & Paste) is implented in SCMdraft.
I just opened it twice in SE, then added a ramp and gg.
i cant believe
it is bad map
i cant believe
it is a great map!