(2)Cosmic Castaway
Map ID: #544

Author: FrozenArbiter
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2005, 10, 15 21:16

Comments (8)
I wanted to make a map where you can afford to make a LOT of gas units, but with very little minerals (ie, I want a zerg to be able to afford perhaps 20 ultralisks worth of gas, but be hard pressed to come up with the minerals for this).

The two expansions beside your main have 2000 (the one closest to your entrance) and 2500 minerals per patch.

I think the amount of expansions might still be a bit too big though, maybe it will just result in zerg being too strong as it is now .. But we'll see.
Reminds me of Harvest moon in warcraft but for 2 players :P
i think terran is stronger.. easy to slowpush with bunkers and stuff
starparty style~

Well I don't really know, maybe open up the paths a bit?
You mean the low ground paths along the side?
Hm, maybe I could make sure they widen before each expo or something.
this will be a wizardry map

HT and arb vs defiler and queen vs vessel and ghost :D
all cost loads of gas but almost no minerals^^
Yeah that was my plan :D
Very few normal units but lots of archons (<3 archons) ;p

Terran might be in a bit of a bend, but now they can finally make that all ghost army they've always dreamed of (ok maybe not ;D but vultures are cheap).
T > P here oO.. The mainbase's mineral line is shootable from the behind - it may become a headache for every race. I think that main should be safe or easy to defend, but there it is almost impossible to defend against slowpush, as Starparty has already mentioned.