(2)Prescient I
Map ID: #557

Author: FrozenArbiter
Map Size: 128*64
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 10, 14 05:34

Comments (4)
This one might have turned out a bit more Terran friendly than originally intended.. Hopefully it's still playable though.

A couple of things to note;
- The gases at main only have 2500 each (I borrowed the double mineral sets a bit from citadel of adun since I figured Z really needed a second gas but I wasn't sure where to place it)
- There's a couple of positions where lings are supposed to be able to run through, for example at 1 and 7 'o clock, you can run into the main/down to the expo with lings.

I also tried to make two of these from the middle into the mains. None of them have been tested though, I'll try to do so tomorrow.

If it's really too T friendly, I guess I could submit it to the imbalance map competition ^_^
Its like parradox by land with less expansions. Terran starts to move out they get 2 bases.
How bout if u took the inner corner of each base and made another expo there with bridges going in 3 directions except the mains.
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, but if it is what I think it is, would you really have any space left to build :0?