(4)Moonless Night
Map ID: #676

Author: Panschk[FP]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 21 15:08

Comments (8)
I had the mainbase layout on my PC for days now, I finally finished it. Don't know if it is worth being decorated and made more symmetrical, or if the concept sucks anyway -_-

Right now it is probably too terran favoring, but what can I do about it?
Changing the center for sure :) .

Hey why don't you sleep? :)
the expo layout is a bit anoying... think groundforces trying to stop a drop going back and forth from main to exp :P
well, firstly SP is right, this is really gay to harass, not just tactical^^
maybe a blocking mineral should help, or several like on my Escape Routes.

unfortunately, I don't see any chance of disfavoring T in an easy way...cliffable expo, small paths on the highground etc. the only thing I could think of would be (though I know you don't like it, but I try to help :D) to deny comsat at main and natural CC.
T on airmap will have turrets very early anyway, so he won't have any great disadvantage in defending, but he is disfavored when moving out to attack, because he is much more vulnerable to DTs and stuff. So you can cut off a bit strength, because he's just not so mobile or overwhelming outside of his base. but to gain this effort, you'd have to deny comsat at those _two_ spots.
I know this would annoy players then a bit, but I think they'll get used to it, for this is an airmap and they'll handle it with turrets somehow.
I just thought about removing the walls in the mainbases completely, this way you could attack much easier, there would be huge mainbases.
You can try making holes in the walls, just like in (2)Theoreme. The reason i do this kind of walls, was for sneak dropes, wich is working in games, players already did this to me :).
New update. Now toss should have much better chance.

Still no decoration, I may change a lot still, so I think it can wait.
but now it screams twilight valhalla with a few modifications :p