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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #682
Author: Travin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2007, 09, 06 21:06
Comments (10)
the closest geyser have 2k in it
I like it. I already had the same cliff+minblock@2nd expansion concept used on Anciented, still yours is better executed. I really like it. Only thing i would like to mention is that the mainbases seem huge and take away moving space i'd say. But just guessing.
I would like that cliff-block idea be at first expansions, not at 2nd expansions. Because harassment on 2nd expansion is not that effective. Most of harassment is on first expansion. And this map can get easy 3 gases, this seems to be a big advantage for zerg. I think you can eliminate gases in 2nd expansions.
-_- gj gl gg good map :P
I like it. Especially how you used min blocking without ignoring unit AI unlike other mappers here :)
I would not change anything right now.
very nice concept, and I particularly like the minblocked cliff, this looks just great.
and I think this works on 2nd expo here, too, because it would be wise to take this cliff. you can harass/kick the expo and pressuring the main and maybe kicking a techbuilding at once. I guess you'll have to mine this block very early and have a permanent scout(-building) there.
nevertheless, I would pull back the wall-formation above and below the center a bit in order to widen it. It just seems a bit too pruned right now imo.
I like how he make a free for all look. Most of the maps when locations are in corner, looks South vs North, but now is put very nice. Good job, Travin, the map looks really good.
random map, Travin is a good mapper^^ Looks hard to attack t as p though, atleast until they leave past the 2nd expo; the double gas thing also could help turtling a bit...
random map! <3 love it
Smart design, but the mountainy terrain @ 6 and 12 is ugly. replace with tar :D
I would not change anything right now.
and I think this works on 2nd expo here, too, because it would be wise to take this cliff. you can harass/kick the expo and pressuring the main and maybe kicking a techbuilding at once. I guess you'll have to mine this block very early and have a permanent scout(-building) there.
nevertheless, I would pull back the wall-formation above and below the center a bit in order to widen it. It just seems a bit too pruned right now imo.